I don’t think I would make a good military person.
First of all, I am not crazy about the sound of a bugle.
Strike one.
Their insistence on playing Revelry every morning would drive me to close my eyes shut and roll back over on my flimsy cot. And I am a morning person. But not when it comes to a bugle.
Secondly, I’m not good at standing in line. I live to weave too much. Back and forth. This way and that. It is because my left leg is slightly shorter than my right leg, and I lean.
Strike two.
And finally. The exercise thing. They run, run, run. They lift. They lunge. And push. And pull. All day long, “dropping ten” with someone yelling in your face. I know I would not care for this one bit. Not one little bit. Especially the yelling part. I’m pretty sure I’d either cry or yell back. Neither of which are good.
Strike three.
No. The military is not for me. But considering all these strikes, I might have made a good pitcher in Major League Baseball.
===Wordle Words====
“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” – José Narosky
“It is not the combatants that create wars, but the politicians. And it is the soldiers who pay the price.” – Adam Jenkins
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” – Bertrand Russell
The bugle is not my thing.