Times change. We change.
The entire Universe is in a constant state of change.
I’ve talked about it here, so many times before. In fact, it seems that I’ve talked about a lot of things, in this blog. Sometimes I repeat myself. Often times my thoughts and ideas overlap, again and again.
After 12 years of writing this every day, it is no wonder that you hear the same things, again and again. While I try to keep it fresh, I’m sure there are days when most of you are saying, “Oh no. Not again.” Or perhaps you skim right over the entire deal. Or even further, skip it altogether.
I would if I were you.
I’m watching curling on TV right now. Canada and Korea are playing. Curling is one of those sports where they do the same thing, over and over again. Every time. Once it gets down near the target, things vary slightly. Sometimes they score big. Other times they miss completely. And that is exactly like my blog.
Some days I talk about porridge. Other days, the secrets of the Universe. One minute, Homer Simpson. The next is the Angel Gabriel.
I keep coming back to change. It is because we do. We are. It all changes.
What I’m getting around to is this. It may be time to end my blog. This time, for good. I’ve stopped a few times before, only to start up again because of the prompting from others.
But mostly, I think I’ve said enough. Sometimes, too many times.
More than that, I want to thank you all for persisting. For being such good friends here, reading every day. Some of you comment daily, with so many incredible thoughts, ideas, ideals. Fearlessly. It makes my heart swell.
So thank you. For all of this.
My one last message, or thought, is this.
I’m pulling your chain, as today is the first of April. And we all know what that is. So here we go again. And again.
If you will have me, dear friends.
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
— Henry David Thoreau
He who has truth at his heart need never fear the want of persuasion on his tongue.
— John Ruskin
In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
— George Orwell
The change, again, and again. And then, no more.