Well. They always say it killed the cat, but I don’t believe it for one little minute.
If we are curious, we have a strong desire to know or learn something.
On the other hand, it could mean that we are very strange or unusual.
But I want to talk about the first definition. The one where we are always seeking to find.
Truthfully, I think this is one of the best characteristics a person can have. Being curious opens a new world in our lives through learning.
As a kid, one of my favorite “book series” was the Curious George books. Oh, I loved that little monkey, always getting into this and that. Sometimes, his curiosity would spell trouble, and the Man in the Yellow Hat would have to come to the rescue.
But curiosity doesn’t necessarily equate with trouble, as Curious George and Curious Cats might suggest. Instead, I think curiosity opens up our world.
Segue. How come curious is spelled with two “u”s but curiosity only has one? They should have included the other “u” at the end of the word. If I were Queen of Spelling.
Anyway, back to the quality.
It is a quality, I believe. For one thing, curiosity helps us survive.
If we have the urge to explore our surroundings, it helps us to remain vigilant and gain knowledge about our environment. That environment is constantly changing, by the way. This may very well be the reason why our brains evolved to release dopamine when we encounter new things. Those good-feeling chemicals.
I also think curious people are happier. In fact there is research around that has shown that curiosity is associated with higher levels of “positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety, more satisfaction with life, and greater psychological well-being.”
Curiosity boosts learning. That one is a given. We seek, and then we learn.
And maybe the best thing about curiosity? I think it expands our empathy. When we are curious about others, we want to talk with them. We ask questions about them. We learn about their lives. In this way we become better able to understand their experiences and worldviews. Even if they are different from our own. Being curious helps build relationships, too. Because of this. Probably.
I think being curious is a good thing. It leads to finding. And finding leads to thinking. And thinking leads to wonder.
And therein, we find the miracles in our everyday lives.
Be curious.
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein
“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” – William Arthur Ward
“Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.” – Bryant H. McGill
The curious curiosity of it all.