The green frot. Yeah, baby.

It sounds like a bodily function.
Or. Perhaps an amphibian of some sort.

“Hey John. Did you see that huge frot just go under the water?”

Of course, that’s just the way it sounds. The actual spelling is fraught.

adjective | FRAWT

By definition, fraught’s meaning is two-fold.

1. Causing or having a lot of emotional stress or worry.
= anxious, worried, upset, distraught, overwrought, agitated, distressed, distracted, desperate, frantic

2. When fraught is used in the phrase “fraught with,” it means “full of something bad or unwanted.”
= full of, filled with, swarming with, rife with, thick with, bristling with

Sometimes I am completely fraught about coming up with new topics and ideas.

Oftentimes, this blog is fraught with errors.

So yes, “fraught” can come at us in a couple of ways, and typically those “ways” are not good.

To me, since 2016, it seems like our world has been fraught with fraught.

People are angry. More than ever.
Life situations have become more volatile.
There is a war on learning and intelligence.
Lying is the norm.
Countries are at war.
Pandemics are a thing.
Betty White died. And so did Angela Lansbury.
And on.

But here is the thing. Today is today.
I can wish for whatever I want. I can hope in any way I desire.
If I choose to, I can look for any good measure in this whole big, entire Universe.

And so, for the rest of this day, I shall see fraught in a different light.
Today it shall be a frot.
A little, green, hoppy frot that just jumped into the pond, and is swimming along on its little frot back, singing “Row row boat ashore…”

May your day be filled with frot. Good frot.


Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.
— George Bernard Shaw


Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.
— Carl Sagan


What is now proved was once only imagined.
— William Blake


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