The newest year, for now.

It is the last day of the year 2019. The last day of this decade, which I guess are called the rather unromantic, 2010s. Maybe it is just “The Tens” for the coolness factor.

Here are some statistics for the past year. You have lived:
365 days or
8760 hours or
525600 minutes or
31536000 seconds

I’m going with the minute. Easy to keep track of. There’s a nifty little timer button on my Apple Watch with the denomination denoted. I can count the seconds in one of them, with relative ease. So yes, this past year I’ve lived

525,600 minutes.

That gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Just a minute.”

Tomorrow, God willing, all of us will start over on another year. It will be the same sort of thing as this one. It will be scheduled for exactly 525,600 minutes. Like all the years before and all the years after. (Except for Leap Years. And those are for frogs.)

Tomorrow we will start out with 1,440 minutes. From midnight all the way around to 11:59 p.m.

I am trying to learn that it is best to take them one at a time, as, that is the order in which they come to us. One. Little. Minute. At. A. Time.

Time can be a funny thing though. We certainly talk about it at great length. There’s borrowed time, and buying time. Happy Hours, and New York Minutes. Time flying, and the March of Time.

But no matter how we say, it comes one tock at a time. Einstein told us that time is an illusion. Oh, what I’d give to have a conversation with him, and ask him questions about this, and so much more. But he would probably look at me, laugh, and say, “You still watch reruns of ‘The Flintstones’ on the Oldies Network, don’t you?”

Okay. Einstein is way out of my league, and I better leave the big thinking for the big thinkers. Dr. Seuss is more my speed, especially when he said: “How did it get so late so soon?”

Now, there is a phrase to be heard. It reminds me that it is always getting late so soon. In other words,

Time is Precious.

Our biggest commodity.

I think we all know the phrase, “Oh just to have one more moment with you.”

This year, there will be 525,600 moments.
Take the next one coming, and see what you can do with it.


“Time is an illusion.”
― Albert Einstein


“How did it get so late so soon?”
― Dr. Seuss


“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
— Chinese proverb


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