The world goes around and around.
The days spin by. So do the years.
Every spin brings another. And with that, we have happenings. Things. Occurrences. Days we like to remember, and days we’d rather forget.
This is the day that my dad died.
Eleven years ago.
How can some woman who is my age still miss her father?
Seems a little silly doesn’t it? But I do. Yes. I miss that guy and everything about him.
My dad had a quirky thing with numbers, like I do.
His death date is 31313. Symmetrical.
His time of death was 1221. Also symmetrical.
I don’t know what this means.
Maybe it doesn’t mean anything.
A friend recently sent an article about the connection between mathematics and God. It was quite a thing to consider. The infinity of it all. The ever-expanding infinity and presence that accompanies that.
Imminence. The state or fact of being about to happen and our human attempt to understand all of this. To figure. Perhaps mathematically.
There is also something about the coincidence of these things.
All in our wide and unknowing existence.
Mostly, all of this causes me to wonder. About what we mean as humans. And what we will mean afterward. In infinity.
And the world continues to move and spin and go.
“There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.” – Rod Serling
“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.” – David Hilbert
“The last proceeding of reason is to recognize that there is an infinity of things which are beyond it.” – Blaise Pascal
The numbers in infinity. And beyond.