This pandemic just keeps rolling on and on. They keep saying the outlook is positive, yet only 35% of adults are vaccinated in the United States. I’m not sure what the statistics are in little old Preble County, Ohio, my current place of residence, but I imagine they won’t go much higher. This is the land of Trump, where Hoaxes and Lies rule the world.
I am fully vaccinated. I’ve had two doses of the Moderna, which besides a couple of days of flu-like symptoms, I was overjoyed to receive. The efficacy rate is 94.1%, which is incredible for a vaccine. However, I must remind myself that still leaves a window of 5.9% to be infected.
I read in the news today, where Bill Maher had to cancel his HBO Show, Real Time, because he tested positive for COVID. He is fully vaccinated too. And so is New York Yankees shortstop Gleyber Torres, also vaccinated, among others on the Yanks. He too has COVID. These are the 5.9%.
Also, the CDC just released new guidelines for mask-wearing for adults who are fully vaccinated. This concerns me. See the two paragraphs above.
I went to Walmart, in Eaton, early in the morning yesterday to avoid the crowds. About 50% of the people in the store were wearing masks, at best. A man passed me in the aisle, coughing his head off. I shuddered.
According to the World COVID Meter, the United States now has 598,540 deaths due to the disease.
Things have gotten better, it is true. The number of deaths seems to be slowing down, but it hasn’t stopped. And of course, now there is a wide assortment of variants in the world, taking over places like India and Brazil.
In my opinion, the world will never be “normal” again. It is forever changed, just like when the guy walked onto an airplane with those shoe bombs. We are scanned and prodded and poked as we get onto planes as a rule, and we always will be from that day forward. So goes the COVID pandemic.
Too many hoaxers are alive in the world for it to go otherwise. They truly believed the virus would go away on election day. They say the world is flat, and North Korea is our pal, among other things.
Here in Ohio, our good Governor Mike Dewine has set up a COVID lottery. Get your vaccine, and you have a chance to win a million dollars. I think it is brilliant. Even hoaxers will take money on Easy Street. A million bucks for a stick in the arm? I think we will have some takers. I’ve been entered since March.
The bottom line? There is no bottom line. This virus keeps shifting and reshaping, moving and shaking, darting this way and that. And the people in charge have been trying to dance with it, to keep the public safe.
I bet it won’t be long, and we’ll be asked to put those masks back on. Until then, I’m not sure I’m taking mine off.
Lottery Details:
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed).”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”
― Salvador Dali
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
― Winston S. Churchill
The question is, will Zorro take his mask off too?