We need to improve the infrastructure. In some cases, our roads and bridges and pathways are in shambles and only getting worse. When we don’t take care of things, they deteriorate. Potholes. Broken beams. Crumbling tracks.
However, I’m not talking about our interstates and overpasses.
I was alluding to our inner paths.
Each one of us has different paths that we follow. Not just different from other people, but different “routes” within is. There is the physical, the emotional, the intellectual, and the spiritual parts of our lives. In a well-balanced map of ourselves, those four things coincide with one another, intermingling, and intersecting, heading in the same direction. Yet sometimes, one takes over and drives the whole bus, maybe down the wrong road.
I believe that the backbone of them, the core, the guiding force among them, is our spiritual path. Of course, this one is highly personal, and we all enter a place that speaks to us. Or perhaps we choose not to enter at all.
But say we do. Entering into our own spirituality is a private journey. If we seek a greater experience of ourselves, if we are looking to grow, learn, and enrich our understanding of life, we will be drawn to our gateways to do so.
We may have been taught certain philosophies or beliefs as children. I’m not kidding. I was in my teens before I had an awareness that there were other people in the world besides Catholics. Sure, there were plenty of kids in the neighborhood who were not. But we didn’t speak about “going to church.” We talked about playing tag and baseball. So I was so submerged within my Catholic brain as to think, somehow, we all were Catholic.
But I digress. As adults, we find new ways of thinking about our spirituality. And how we might apply those beliefs in our lives. On the other end of the spectrum are those who might have been raised without a spiritual framework. They may go for years without thinking about spirituality. Perhaps, not ever.
Yet. At some point, at some lonely stage in all our lives, be it in youth or adulthood, we wake up one day and start asking bigger questions. We may start to form our beliefs, our philosophies. We all begin to worry about our chosen purpose or what it might be.
There are a lot of routes to take when it comes to this.
But, as I mentioned, it is our infrastructure. And we need to take care of it. We need to commit to doing daily maintenance, fixing the potholes when they come around, and paving the roads when they get cracked and crumbly. And even if we can’t quite see the final destination of our routes, at least we know we can travel on good roads.
Maybe that maintenance is through prayer or meditation. Through reading, or painting, or cooking, or going on long walks in nature. Whatever it is, we should take care of those things.
Through those measures, we begin to awaken to ourselves and to life. We learn to understand what is right for us.
The universe shows us infinite ways to travel. But we have to want to see those things. Only we can know what truly makes us feel inspired or awakened. It is up to us to decide what makes us connected and fully conscious. It feels much different to be aware and alive. And we know what that is for us.
Whatever our path, it is ours. It is perfect. And it was meant to be.
Because we — are meant to BE.
“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller.”
― Paul Klee
“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”
― Albert Einstein