The reason for everything. Cause, effect.

I know I’ve written about the controversy of “everything happens for a reason” vs. “we live in a random Universe, and there is no such thing as fate.”

Yet, I just want to revisit the “everything happens for a reason” statement on its own. Because, recently, I’ve seen this in a new light.

I believe it to be true now.
If I can explain.

I’ve said it before, but our lives — ALL our lives — build and progress as we go. Everything we do today, this minute, this second, will have an effect on everything about us in the future.

Not one minute passes that does not affect the next.

As we look back at our ancestors. Every one of them in their lives had to experience each moment exactly as it was. And in those split seconds, they had to make all the decisions, just as they did, for us to be sitting here right now.

If great Grandpa Earnie hadn’t dropped that sledgehammer on his foot, he might have gone to the Spring Dance and met Melbaline Cushman instead of Grandma. If his foot hadn’t been smashed, he never would have gone to the doctor’s office the next day and met Grandma Eunice, who worked there as the receptionist. And we would not be sitting here now.

In that way, things happen for a reason. There is always a cause and effect. That is science.

To state: The law of cause and effect is a Universal Law which specifically states that every single action in the Universe produces a reaction no matter what. Every single event within our world, upon our Earth, has a cause, an original starting point.

So, with that bit of science in mind, then yes. Everything happens for a reason.

Now, do I think the hammer fell on grandpa’s foot because a god came along and pinched the horse, which made the wagon lunge forward, pushing the sledgehammer off the back of the wagon?

Well. That’s a horse of a different color, now, isn’t it?

I’m not to say if god is the horse-pinching type or not. I’m not even one to say if there is a god or not. There hasn’t been substantial proof in either direction.

But I do know that we are all our own selves. Living our moments.
We believe what we do. And if it is our hearts, then it is in our hearts, and there is no disputing that.


“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens


“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”
― George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)


“Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”
― George Carlin


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