The season of the bull. Go bulls.

Taurus, the bull. That’s what I am. I always enjoy hearing about fellow Taurueans. Taurusites? Taurus people.
It makes me wonder if they have some of the same characteristics that I do. Good and bad.

Here is how one Astrology site describes a Taurus:
“Tauruses are the human equivalent of moss. A handmade wooden chair. They are normally satisfied with the way things are. They embody stability. Sitting in a patch of grass admiring the breeze. When everything else seems to be falling apart, Tauruses are a rock of dependability in an oasis of calm. Practical knowledge and experience are their modus operandi.

Tauruses are oriented around the physical world. They tend to be grounded and logical. They love routine, and they’re committed to their own comfort. They like to be in control. They’re patient and steady, and their materialism is an extension of their pursuit of stability.

Once they get into a groove, it’s difficult for them to get out of it. Object in motion stays in motion. They like things to be predictable. They are perfectly happy eating the same meal over and over, or wearing the same outfit for a week straight. They would prefer things be consistent than chaotically good.”

Okay. That would be me. Exactly.
Well. Maybe not the “oasis of calm” part. But everything else.

Nonetheless, the Taurus realm in the Zodiac started yesterday. It goes from April 20 to May 20, every year, come rain or shine. That’s just how it works. You always have to worry about those people born on the first day, or the last day, of a Zodiac. They are said to be on the cusp of the sign. As such, they are likely to be a lot like the sign before or after. In this case, or Taurus, before would be Aries. After would be Gemini.

So, in honor of the start of this Zodiac sign, here are a few that were born on its second day, April 21.

First up.
Catherine the Great (1729-1796)
She was the German-born Empress of Russia (1762-96). She did a lot of good things in her life. Some bad things too. For sure, though, she certainly expanded the Russian empire. And she promoted enlightenment. Of thinking, and of the arts. Catherine was good pals with Voltaire. She loved to read and had a collection of 44,000 books.
I should also like to say that Catherine was a great patron of the arts. The Hermitage Museum, which now occupies the Winter Palace, is made up of Catherine’s personal art collection. It is amazing. I’ve been there. With my mouth wide open.

Next on the list.
Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855)
We all know Charlotte, that English novelist who wrote the great book Jane Eyre. She was born in England. Some authors write what they know. And with that, there are elements of Jane Eyre that look a lot like Charlotte Brontë’s own life. She and her sisters went to a school run by a mean old headmaster, just like Mr. Brocklehurst in the book. Also, two of Charlotte’s sisters died from tuberculosis, just like Jane Eyre’s only friend, Helen Burns. And finally, Charlotte Brontë was a governess for several years before turning to her writing. And what a writer she turned out to be.

The only guy on my list?
John Muir (1838-1914)
What a guy he was. He doesn’t seem like a Taurus to me, because he was always off exploring and never at home. Plus, he was always sleeping on the ground. Like. Wherever. Yes, Muir was a Scottish-born naturalist and discoverer. Here’s what started it all. He was working one of many odd jobs at a carriage parts factory. Well, the belt slipped and broke, and he took a sharp shard right in his eye. He almost went blind. When he regained his vision, he became devoted to seeing nature for the rest of his life. He began traveling the world. Personally? I think that metal shard knocked the Taurus right out of him.

And last but not least?
Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)
Oh, that good Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland — the country’s longest-reigning monarch, from 1952 to 2022. She was born in London, and it looked good on her. She carried a purse like no other Taurus before her, and none since. And? She loved being at home.

And that, my friends, is a brief homage to the beginning of the Taurus Season.
No bull.

Well, all bull, really.


I’m a Taurus, which means that I have a bull-like determination, which means I’m not giving up. And that is true. I’m not.
— Charles K. Kinzer


Taurus will say whatever in the nicest possible way or say nothing at all.
— Janet Bowman Johnson


Taurus won’t forget it. Taurus doesn’t forget anything.
— Linda Goodman


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