The shot rang out. Believe it. Or not.

I just don’t believe it.

I simply don’t think a schmuck like Lee Harvey Oswald was capable of the planning and timing, and ultra-human shooting precision, that it took to kill John Kennedy.

Of course, today marks the date of his death. It was 60 years ago today that he was killed in Dallas, Texas.

My mom was pregnant with me at the time. She said she was sitting in the living room, knitting an afghan when the news came on the TV. She started sobbing upon hearing of his death. I had my little ear pressed up against her belly, eavesdropping on what might be outside of the cocoon. Deep within me, somewhere, I remember that day.

Anyway, I’m not the only one who doesn’t buy the whole story. For whatever reason, I think someone is trying to pull that wool over our eyes.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories over the years.

I know, I know. The official investigation, led by the Warren Commission, concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy. But even still, many people continue to speculate about this notion. Many people have promoted alternative theories.

Here are a few of them.

The Mafia Conspiracy: Some theories suggest that the Mafia was involved in the assassination. They say this was due to Kennedy’s administration cracking down on organized crime. Proponents of this theory claim that the mob may have hired Oswald or manipulated events to have Kennedy killed. I add some other aspects, like Kennedy’s involvement with all those folks. Like Sam Giancana and Frank Sinatra and the intermingling of the three with Marilyn Monroe.

Multiple Shooters: One of the most enduring conspiracy theories is the belief that there were multiple shooters involved in the assassination. This one seems likely to me. It suggests a broader conspiracy. Many pieces of evidence point to the “grassy knoll” as a potential location for a second shooter.

The “Magic Bullet” Theory: This is a big factor in my thoughts on this. Mostly because scientific evidence gives this one legs. Many critics of the Warren Commission’s report often cite the so-called “magic bullet” theory as evidence of a conspiracy. The evidence suggests that the single bullet that struck both Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally could not have followed the trajectory that was described in the official account.

There are other theories which I see as being less likely.

The CIA Involvement: Another theory implicates the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the assassination, suggesting that they had reasons to want Kennedy removed from power. Some proponents claim that Oswald had connections to the CIA. While that may be true, it seems like Kennedy got along with John A. McCone. McCone was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Kennedy appointed him.

The Anti-Castro Connection: This theory posits that Kennedy’s policies related to Cuba and Fidel Castro angered anti-Castro Cubans and their allies, who then conspired to assassinate the president. Some even allege that the CIA was involved in this plot.

The Military-Industrial Complex: Some conspiracy theories argue that powerful military-industrial interests, unhappy with Kennedy’s policies, may have played a role in his assassination to maintain and expand military contracts and conflicts.

Finally, there is an alleged “cover up.”

The Cover-Up: Many conspiracy theories claim that there was a widespread cover-up of the true events surrounding JFK’s assassination. There seem to be many facets of facts that involve various government agencies and officials. This has led to suspicions of a larger conspiracy. And here is the thing. Many of the files surrounding the assassination were closed and marked top-secret.

If everything had played out as it has been reported — with Oswald as the lone shooter — then what could be so important in that file to keep it hidden? Why not release that file to the public? Shouldn’t it simply say that Oswald was the guy? If that is the case, then why not let it be released openly?

And the latest?  All the facts surrounding Zapruder Film Frame 313 which can now be viewed in slow-motion on YouTube. 

I don’t lose any sleep over this. That’s for sure.

But every November 22, I take time to wonder.

It’s a big Universe out there. We don’t know the most of things.


You can convince yourself of just about anything when you want to believe a conspiracy theory.
— Brian Stelter


Whenever you’re faced with an explanation of what’s going on in Washington, the choice between incompetence and conspiracy, always choose incompetence.
— Charles Krauthammer


People tend to see power carried out by conspiracy. It’s easy to believe in.
— Alexander Mamut


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