The Surprise Doctor’s Visit By Linda Stowe
Earlier this week I had a routine doctor’s appointment. I say routine because I must see my medical provider every three months because of one of my medications. If there were ever a medical appointment that could be handled via Zoom, this would be it. But maybe my insurance doesn’t support that option. I should ask about that.
So that is how I came to be sitting in a waiting area on Tuesday morning when I saw the child. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen a child in person. It was a little girl, maybe three or four, who was walking by holding her mother’s hand, all the while taking in everything her little eyes could see. As her eyes locked onto mine, I could feel myself automatically smile. That moment made the trip worth it and it’s something I wouldn’t have gotten over Zoom. Or from a pill for that matter.
Polly here. I loved this piece because it reminded me about all the little miracles that happen in our lives. Those little moments of goodness, or joy, or absolute peace. The fresh honey on a warm biscuit. The sound of a gentle breeze rustling the autumn leaves. The smile of a little girl as she walks past, taking in all the wonders of the world.
I love each and every good part of these wonders of the world. Those surprise visits.
The Surprise Doctor’s Visit By Linda Stowe