I hope for a brighter future.
I hope for healing for our planet.
I pray that all sentient beings will be free from needless suffering.
That is what I wish.
Thinking about all of this, I’m reminded of the ocean. Water makes up 70 percent of our planet, after all. I haven’t been on a beach in a while. The last time I visited the white sandy goodness, it was largely littered with trash.
I should mention this was on the Grand Cayman Island.
The first time I visited the Caymans, this was not the case. There might have been a thing or two that would wash up. But mostly, I could stare out at the sleek blue water and see nothing of it.
However, in later visits, the trash pile-up increased. The smell, too. The workers at the resort would spend hours raking up the seaweed, but they also had to clear a large amount of trash every day.
I imagine this situation will only swell in the near future. I say this because we’ve been warned about global warming. And. We know how much crap we are putting in our oceans and in our lands.
But we continue to do this. Day after day. And in increasing amounts. We’ll never learn. For years to come, we’ll pay the price. Mostly, though, it will be the future generations who will feel the pain of this. We’ve destroyed their chances for a healthy planet.
We’ve done damage that cannot be undone.
All I can do is be clean in my corner of the world. And in that way, I will try. And hope. Maybe if every single person would. If only.
“We are all in the same boat, in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” – Albert Schweitzer
“The future will be determined by what we do in the present.” – Rachel Carson
“The Earth has music for those who listen.” – William Shakespeare
The way we behave shows up tomorrow