The words that ended up in a bad way.

Some words are better than others.

For instance. Pustule. I never use this word if I can help it. It sounds gross, maybe because it is gross. Just some little blister or pimple on the skin containing pus. I do not wish a pustule on anyone. And while we are at it, pus is a terrible word too.

Fester is another bad word. It has a lot of meanings, but when it has to do with the body, pus is involved once again. The only redeeming factor of this word is dear Uncle Fester of the Addams Family fame. I love Uncle Fester, especially when he puts the lightbulb in his mouth and lights it bright.

Some words don’t mean to be bad. They just end up that way. Like puce. It sounds an awful lot like puke, for one thing. If we didn’t know better, we might think puce was really some sort of bodily function. But in reality, puce is nothing more than a dark red or a purple-brown color. It seems no one can agree on what color this is exactly. If you Google puce, you will find a vast amount of color samples claiming to be puce. There is no mistaking violet, salmon, or turquoise. Why does puce have to be so difficult?

Other words on the downside?
Phlegm. Discharge. Seep.

On the flip side of things, some words are completely lovely.

Like nurture. The sound of it isn’t so grand. NER-cher. But the meaning is golden. To help someone or something grow, develop, or succeed. Or. To take care of someone or something that is growing or developing. Oh, to nurture those in the world around us.

Another good one? Epiphany. It can be a moment of sudden revelation or insight. I love those moments. Those uncoverings in the world around us.

Quintessence. The most perfect type of quality. The epitome. The sheer essence.

And two more good ones that go hand-in-hand? Peace and tranquility. The good, good calm.

So today, may your world be filled with the good words. The good words in every way.

No pus. No phlegm. And no seeping.


Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.
— Cesar Chavez


It’s a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water.
— Franklin P. Jones


Coffee is a language in itself.
— Jackie Chan


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