The following items contain some happenings in this world — things I’ve learned about recently. They contain human thinking and animal thinking. I wonder what they mean in the greater scheme of things. If there is a greater scheme of things.
There is a Church, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United Church of Bacon. It has around 25,000 members. The Church’s mission statement is “Hail Bacon, full of grease, the Lard is with thee.” They perform wedding ceremonies, fundraisers for other charities, and follow their very own “8 Bacon Commandments.”
I went to their website to discover more. They are basically a group of atheists and non-believers, fighting against the discrimination of atheists and non-believers. They have, in fact, raised money for various groups like AIDS, cancer, and autism.
There are Bacon Prophets among them. Most notably, the group has stopped illegal and dangerous parking at Calvary Chapel Spring Valley.
Power to the people, I suppose.
On a much different note.
We live in a world with smart, smart animals.
Think of this. Ravens have been observed calling wolves to the site of dead animals so that the wolves will tear open the carcass. By doing so, the flesh of the dead animal becomes more accessible to the ravens.
Truly. Now think of this. At some point in time, one raven had to notice the capacity of wolves to pull apart a dead animal. And then they had to remember seeing this ability. Sometime later, upon spotting another dead animal somewhere else, they had to figure out a way to lure a wolf, or wolves, to the site of carcass.
Now. That is thinking. And then, they passed on this idea to other ravens.
Back to human thinking.
A male secret service agent here in the United States had trouble extraditing a hacker from Romania. So, online, he created a “female casino worker persona.” This fake bodacious young woman from Vegas flirted for seven months online with the Romanian hacker.
The hacker eventually decided to fly to the U.S. to meet this casino-worker babe. That is when he was arrested in Boston. He came to greet his new gal with a gold necklace and three boxes of grape-flavored condoms. Oh, what a night.
And then, the bird brains.
Pigeons. Now those birds can recognize hundreds of images even after several years have passed. They can also identify themselves in a mirror. If that isn’t enough, the arty pigeons have the ability to discriminate between two paintings. Among other impressive behaviors, like learning a sequence of behaviors.
Which leads us back to the human mind.
The Chinese Army has been training 10,000 pigeons. They are doing this to provide support to the military’s communications in the event that a war would kill all technology. Yes, indeed. Their pigeons can fly up to 75 mph and are being trained to carry loads of up to 3.5 oz. This will be handy once all the power grids are rendered useless. Bye-bye phone, email, and texts. The Chinese will communicate through pigeon power.
Meanwhile, back in America.
In 2018, after 116 years of being behind bars, the Nabisco Animal Crackers were freed. Yes. PETA protested and wrote Nabisco, saying their boxes portrayed the animals in cruel cages. Nabisco removed the bars from all packaging.
And there you have it.
“The governor of Texas, who, when asked if the Bible should also be taught in Spanish, replied that ‘if English was good enough for Jesus, then it’s good enough for me’.”
― Christopher Hitchens
“I know the human being and fish can co-exist peacefully.”
― George W. Bush
“They always found themselves in agreement with the one who was speaking at the moment.”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm
There are bird brains, and then there are bird brains.