History. It is here to stay. It is, after all, the past. But something begins, then it ends, then it becomes history.
It’s not always easy to determine the first time or last time something happens.
Firsts and lasts are often clear when it comes to historical rulers and monumental events. But here is the thing. There are beginnings and endings taking place around us every day.
In the US, individual states often take pride in being the “first” at something. But no state typically advertises its lasts.
And there is always a last time something happened.
Like these.
∞ Nevada holds the distinction of being the last state with legal prostitution. Of course, they have a reputation for gambling, what with Vegas and all. Hedonism there, for sure. But prostitution is alive and well there. Nevada has ten counties within its borders where prostitution is still legal. Even still. The selling of sex is heavily regulated.
∞ Oregon is the last state to have a Blockbuster Video. Now, let me say a few good words about this. Back in the late 1980s, I used to love going into Blockbuster videos and picking out movies. It was like a magical fantasy land for me. But. Sadly. With the advent of streaming, Blockbusters are a thing of the past. As of 2019, the Blockbuster video store in Bend, OR, became the last one of its kind. I think it is closed now.
∞ Maine is the last state with manual telephone service. What does this mean? Well. When the hand-cranked telephone at Elden Hathaway’s home in Bryant Pond, Maine, was disconnected in 1983, manual telephone service in the US officially came to an end. After the hand crank phone came rotary dial phones. Then push button. Now they are in our pockets. And so we go.
∞ New Jersey is the last state where pumping your own gas is illegal. It is true. New Jersey has not removed laws against self-service. Since 1949, motorists have been prohibited from pumping their own gas. The law was initially put into effect as a safety precaution, but observers believe there’s another motivation driving it.
∞ Deleware was the last state to sentence someone to whipping. Goodness. It is hard to believe. But, in 1962, Superior Court Judge Stewart Lynch sentenced Talmadge R. Balsar to a public whipping for theft. While the State Supreme Court stayed the punishment, whipping remained on the legal books in Delaware for another decade.
I’m sure Ohio has its fair share of “lasts” in this world. But we still argue with North Carolina about one of the firsts. And that is the “first in flight.” The plane was born here. The Wright Brothers just took it down to NC for the beach. Details, details.
From the first to last, I’m glad you are here.
And that is my lasting thought.
“It is not how you start, but how you finish.” — Jim George
“Sometimes being last gets you where you need to go.” — Steven Neeson
“In the end, it’s not the position you’re in but the direction you’re going.” — Martin Smith