There’s a reason for that. In this case.

There’s a reason for that.
There might not be a reason for everything. I know some people think there are reasons for every little thing. But the jury is still out when it comes to my brain.

Nonetheless, there are certainly reasons for other things.

And so now, I bring to you a few random reasons for random things.

– I am part Neanderthal. Proudly. On my Grandmother Ogg’s side. Anyway, the reason why Neanderthals are often depicted as all hunched over and slumpy is due to the fact that the first Neanderthal skeleton ever found happened to be arthritic. So they thought Neanderthals were hunched. And they started drawing them that way. But later on, they found another and discovered this wasn’t true. But the “bent over” look had taken hold in the minds of the people. Truth? They walked around straight as a board.

– Fireflies seem fewer in our night skies. The reason for this is that they are at risk of extinction. People don’t realize, too, that there are 2400 different species of fireflies. (Wood burning stove-firefly. Matchstick-firefly. Natural gas-firefly. I’m joking.). But there really are 2400 species. Many of them have already been listed as “Critically Endangered.”

– Lyndon B Johnson did not seek re-election. A couple of things had happened. He was losing control of the Democratic Party, for one. And, his health had not been that great. Anyway, the reason Johnson did not seek re-election was due to a study he commissioned that predicted his death at age 64, potentially preventing him from completing a second term. Well. As it turned out, he passed away at 64, two days after what would have been the end of his second term. That was one heck of a study, I’d say.

– Hurricane season is approaching in a week or two. The reason why hurricanes and cyclones are given human names comes from a meteorologist. The first guy to name hurricanes was Clement Wragge. He used the names of politicians he disliked to name those storms. He wanted to convey the idea that they were “causing great distress” or “wandering aimlessly.” I think he meant both the storms and the politicians.

– Most credible sources list Greenland as the biggest island in the world. But why not Australia? They are both completely surrounded by water. The reason for this is because Greenland is part of the North American plate, while Australia has its own separate tectonic plate. The old tectonic plate does it again.

– A lot of people have asked why NASA spends bazillions of dollars developing special pens so that the astronauts can write in space. (The ink in regular pens is problematic in that wonky space gravity.) But people have asked why they don’t just use pencils up in space. The reason is that pencil graphite is conductive and can cause short circuits and fires. Not good on a space flight. By the way, the same types of pens have been used since the Apollo era and are still in use on the International Space Station today.

– I love an art museum. But have you ever noticed the little winkies on Greek statues? Well, they are little. And the reason why Ancient Greek male statues are depicted with small penises is that they were symbolic of the ideals of male beauty at that time. The small penis emphasized youthfulness, strength, and modesty. On the other hand, no pun intended, a large penis was considered vulgar. It was also associated with “savagery and evil spirits.” No Mr. Happy for you.

So there they are. A few good reasons.

And believe me. There are more out there. But I’m still not sure there is a reason for everything.


“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens


“If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?”
― Sam Harris


“If you can’t win by reason, go for volume.”
― Bill Watterson


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