Three words. Because we are in a random place.

It’s a three-random word day.
Despite our thoughts on this, one way or the other, science tells us that the universe is fundamentally random. This does not mean that there is no order to the universe.

So a few offerings from the Random Word Machine.


The first thing I think of when I see the word “hop” is bunny. We have lots of bunnies in our meadow, and I have the good fortune to watch them hopping about during their little bunny lives. They hop right up to the deer, which makes me believe that Bambi and Thumper might have been a real pair.

I also think of Hop-along Cassidy.
Dance hops.
Hop to.

Unfortunately, a lot of blondes in the world are associated with being dizzy. That, of course, is the derogatory meaning of the word, suggesting someone is scatterbrained or vacuous.

But dizzy can be serious too, in the physical sense, when we lose our bearings or balance. Maybe because we got up too quickly or haven’t consumed enough water.

Neither can be associated with Dizzy Gillespie, the great jazz trumpeter with the really large cheeks.

I won’t mention the sports fan. Although I just did. Sports fans seem to be getting more and more out of hand these days and have lost all sense of manners and civility.

A better fan is the old kind we can plug into a wall, and moments later, we have wind. And a consoling whirr.

Don’t forget the trouble kind. When the sh!t hits the fan.

And then there is the Geisha Girl fan, which brings an entirely new meaning to the word.

And all three together. The dizzy fan hop. The thing they do when waiting in line for the restroom at the stadium.


“Shit, meet Fan. Fan, this is Shit.”
― David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks


Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn’t misuse it.
— Pope John Paul II


All politicians should have three hats – one to throw into the ring, one to talk through, and one to pull rabbits out of if elected.
— Carl Sandburg


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