Today I notice this and I noticed that

I am not a journaler.
I’ve tried to keep journals, but it never really goes anywhere.

But I recently read of a practice that might be a fun thing to try.

It involves a simple three-word phrase that invites us to slow down and be present.
Because let’s face it. For a lot of us, our days are filled with our busyness.  We go from one thing to the next.  Sometimes, we even look for more things to do.

But wouldn’t it be nice if we took some time to observe our lives and the world in which we live?

So then. What about, each day,  starting a daily journal based on the prompt “Today I noticed.”

It can be anything.  Simply write a sentence and draw something about an observation. Nothing would be too small or mundane or too large to be worth noticing.

Here are a few possibilities of what might happen.

Today, I noticed that a pattern on my bathroom floor tile looked like a dog singing into a microphone.

Today, I noticed how easy it is to stretch my arms up above my head.

Today, I noticed how happy it makes me, to hear someone unloading the dishwasher. 

Today, I noticed how much I love the chicken salad I make.

Our day-to-day lives were becoming richer and brighter simply because we were paying more attention.

The people I read about were a group of friends, and they have been doing this practice for almost six years.  Every day, they were still observing, writing, and drawing about some of the “funny, surprising, sweet, and OR totally ordinary moments” in their lives.  Things that everyone sees but rarely takes the time to notice.

They found that this daily practice leaves them feeling tuned in, present, and connected—just like any other mindfulness practice.

Many of them were unable to stick to a daily “meditation” practice.  So, they needed a different exercise that would help them with mindfulness.  And this “Today I Noticed” thing really stuck with all of them. Noticing and recording has become a way of life for them, and they don’t plan on ever stopping.

Here were the five things they said fueled the success of this.

1. It’s 100% natural.  We’re all noticing things all the time.
2. It makes us feel present.
3. It sparks gratitude.  When we slow down and pay attention, even for an instant, we stop taking things for granted.
4. It boosts compassion.  Little moments are evidence of our shared humanity.
5. It’s a creative outlet.

So that is it. Our chance to go out in the world and take the time to notice.
It is powerful. Because. The more we notice, the more we notice. That is where the real mindfulness magic happens.


“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh


“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn


“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn


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