Today’s Bloggley Blog comes, once again, from Linda Stowe. Quite some time ago, while playing our Wordle Words, the solution to the puzzle was “trust.” In today’s piece, Linda creatively gives us four versions of trust. Each of them with their specific merits.
So, here she is.
Trust by Linda Stowe
My father’s favorite hymn was “I Would Be True.” The first line, “I would be true for there are those who trust me,” encapsulates my father’s devotion to our family. He was my hero and I believe that is why I have been married three times. I never found someone who was as trustworthy as my father.
“You can trust the Russians to be Russian” is a quote I picked up at some point. I have no idea about the context of this quote, but it has stuck with me because I believe you cannot expect someone to go beyond what they are capable of.
“Trust is a must or your game’s a bust” is a quote I heard often when I was into bowling. It was a good reminder to practice faithfully and then trust in the work you have put in.
“Trust but verify,” is a favorite quote from a former boss. I later learned that he picked this up from one of his heroes, Ronald Reagan. The quote pretty much sums up my boss. He did not trust others probably because he was not trustworthy himself.
Polly again. Trust comes when we hold a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone. Or something. As Linda pointed out, it can come in many different shapes and sizes.
And with that? Some of us place our trust in others easily. Others of us are suspicious or skeptical.
Either way, to have the trust of someone else is a mighty big thing. And yet? It is up to us to decide how to act, depending on what they are trusting us for.
It might be one of the trickiest topics all because this character trait involves more than one person every time.
Trust me. I know.
Trust By Linda Stowe