Unanswered questions. Beyond us all.

Science is smart.
But it is always a work in progress.

For instance, here are some questions that science has not figured out as of yet.

Why Do We Dream?
What Happens When You Die?
Are We Alone in the Universe?
Where Does Consciousness Come From?
Is Reality Real?
How Did Life Begin?
Is Time Travel Possible?
Is the Universe Truly Infinite?
How Many Species Are on Earth?
How Can We Eliminate Cancer?

Much research has been done in all of these areas. And when I say “much,” I mean much. But all we have at this point is educated guesses to these answers. There are no certainties. No definitives.

Besides the last two questions, “How Many Species Are on Earth?” and “How Can We Eliminate Cancer?” all of them seem quite related to me.

The final two, the cancer and species questions, are directly related to “Earthly” things.

I think the rest of them are of a different dimension, or dimensions.
Like dreams. They are saying now, in the latest theory, that dreams are a dumping ground for our mental waste. It is a way our brains clear toxins that cause things like dementia.

I’m taking that one with a grain of salt. Personally, I think dreams are a glimpse. The sensory perceptions of humans have been severely smothered in our recent centuries. Over time, we have lost our ability to “see” and “feel” as we once used to. I believe dreams are our last little thread of connection to that seeing. There are some people who get glimpses of this in their waking hours too. But it is rare.

Along these lines fall some of the other questions, like the ones concerning reality being real and about our consciousness. Time travel and the infinity of the Universe. Our sharing of this Universe with other beings. I believe the answers to these things lie in the dimensions we are unable to recognize as jaded, blunted humans. Scientists and physicists aren’t sure we’ll ever understand the nature of reality. The deeper we delve into physics, the stranger the mechanics of our Universe become.

And, here is the thing. I don’t believe that this expansive, incredible energy-filled Universe was put here entirely for us tiny, little dust-specs of humans on this weeny, insignificant planet. Horton hears a Who, baby.

I love to wonder about the infinity of it all and the things we cannot see. There is so much we cannot see.

But I’m always going to keep looking.


“Seek and ye shall find.” – Matthew 7:7 (Bible)


“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti


“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” – Eleanor Roosevelt


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