Volunteer during the elections. Or quit bitching.

Alright. I’ve heard enough.
Quit your bitching, people.

If you don’t trust the United States election process, do something legal and noble about it. Volunteer.

Volunteer as a poll worker. Volunteer for the local election board.
No, don’t go volunteer at your party’s headquarters, though you are certainly welcome to do so.

But if you post things on social media about the election process or gripe about it to anyone but yourself?

Then be a part of the solution and quit being the problem.

I haven’t been posting much in the way of current events, but this one really ticks me off. If you don’t like what is happening in America, then go through legal and commendable measures to try and fix it.

Don’t sit on your butt and piss and moan.
Don’t support those who say, “Let’s be up in arms.”
Both of those things are short-sighted and unintelligent.

In the case of the upcoming vote? Volunteer during those elections.

Be an American for a change.


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”
— Muhammad Ali


“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
–Anne Frank


And, to answer the seething emails before they come:
No, I am not currently a poll worker because I trust in the process and outcomes of our American election system and I am thankful for those who serve.

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