Today’s entry comes from a brief observance by Linda Stowe about waiting rooms.
Waiting Rooms by Linda Stowe
Waiting rooms can be bleak, with their uncomfortable furniture and subdued lighting. We, the denizens of such places, sit quietly in our assigned spots avoiding eye contact by staring in turn at the drab flooring and faded wall posters. I spent the morning in one such room thinking about the Arthur Murray Dance Studio I saw on my way to this appointment. Such a surprising sight. I wanted to ask the others, “Do people still dance?” but I didn’t want to break the silence.
Polly here.
This piece made me think about a lot of things.
Here we all are. All eight billion of us, ambling along on this big blue-ish ball traveling at 67,000 miles per hour. Shhhooooom, we go.
So yes. Here we are. Holding on as we move along.
When we are in waiting rooms, or elevators, restaurants, or traffic, we mostly do not interact with those around us. The strangers. We keep them at bay. We don’t connect with our eyes or any other part of us.
We are taught to “mind our own business” as we spin through space and time.
And with that, sometimes it is easy to forget that all these people have their own lives, their own intentions, their own life purposes. We sometimes forget that they struggle just like us. Or love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, just like we do. Or have a cat.
Instead. They become passers-by and bystanders.
Perhaps that is one thing wrong with this world.
Maybe we should be asking one another, in earnest, “Do people still dance?”
Waiting Rooms By Linda Stowe