We are all one people. We’re African at our core.
You see. We all started on the African continent, white, red, yellow, brown, black, and all the colors in between. Science has shown this to be true.
It was on this date, September 21, 2016, that three genetic studies were published in “Nature” for all to see. The reports concluded (and still conclude) that all non-Africans descended from one migration out of Africa 50-80,000 years ago.
I only have one brother who reads this blog of mine. Sometimes, a couple of my sisters will drop by. But now?
We are all brothers and sisters, aren’t we?
Hey. That’s what the Bible says somewhere, too, doesn’t it?
Brothers, all are we. ?
So. To reiterate. Modern humans evolved in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago. From primates. But over the scientific years, there has been speculation about how our species went on to populate the rest of the globe.
This has long been one of the biggest questions in studying human evolution. This topic has intrigued scientists for decades.
So when they came out with this final report and analysis in 2016, it was quite an extraordinary find. All those researchers believe they have finally found an answer.
In the report, it was stated that three separate teams of geneticists surveyed DNA collected from cultures around the globe. I know. Blah, blah, blah. But here it is. Each team of researchers concluded that all non-Africans today trace their ancestry to a single population emerging from Africa between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago.
The three teams sequenced the genomes of hundreds and hundreds of people across the globe from all walks of life, including multiple indigenous peoples. All over this dang planet of ours. They obtained highly detailed scans of each.
The DNA was scrutinized endlessly. Until this study, scientists had sequenced entire genomes from very few people outside population centers like Europe and China.
So now, with all this new data, they have come to a new scientific understanding of what human DNA actually looks like.
Each team of researchers tackled different questions about our origins, such as how people spread across Africa and how others populated Australia. But all aimed to settle the controversial question of the human expansion from Africa.
And their conclusion found this gradual movement, from 50,0000 to 80,0000 years ago, where humans picked up and went.
The article is long and detailed, going into the exact science behind the findings. I won’t rehash it all here.
But the bottom line is this. We are one people.
Many of us have been saying that all along.
The difference in our pigment occurred because some of our ancestors migrated to places with less sun. So we faded over time. We froze our asses off too. Which may account for the “sturdy build” gene.
So, I bring a little bit of sunshine for everyone today, especially our Confederate flag-flying brothers. We’re all related boys. Let us rejoice in that.
Say hello to your brothers and sisters today. Give them a hug if they seem to be COVID-free.
And say it out loud.
“What Does It Matter What We Believe, as long as we treat others the way we want to be treated?”
― Jeffrey A. White
“Remember: All the thoughts you have of yourself and others are written on your face. Make them kind.”
― Kamand Kojouri
“Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.”
― John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men
We are all one. All one. All one.