We all drink. We have to. Without water, we would wither up and die.
Eventually, that is. I mean, if we still ate foods that somehow hydrated us, I wonder how long we could go without drinking.
Of course, we know that hydration is essential for human life. Those experts say that some people may be able to survive for weeks without food. But they also always add that people can only survive a few days at most without water.
I’ve lightly looked into that fact. The time may vary depending on what you are eating and doing. If you eat 10 pounds of grapes, and 10 pounds of cantaloupe, and 10 pounds of watermelon, let say, each day, but no water, you would most likely stick around for quite some time. You may be miserable. But that fruit would do the trick of hydration. But I’m mostly conjecturing. Does anyone know?
But here I am side-tracked again. This day, I was going to write about popular drinks in the United States. And how we drink them. So, as a public service announcement, I am here to tell you what your fellows are guzzling all across the land.
As you are sipping your sip, here are the top ten for Americans.
1. Bottled Water
2. Soft Drinks
3. Coffee
4. Beer
5. Milk
6. Tea
7. Fruit Beverages
8. Sports Drinks
9. Wine
10. Energy Drinks
I’m surprised by a few things on that list. The first is bottled water. Shame on us, really. We are creating huge amounts of waste with our fixation on bottled water.
The other two that surprised me were tea, coming in at number six. I thought it would be much lower. And wine, finishing below things like — well, tea, for one. And sports drinks. I figured wine would be up there.
Here are the top-selling brands of these liquid goodies.
In bottled water, Aquafina comes in at number one.
The best-selling soft drink is Coke.
Surprisingly, Dunkin’ is the top-selling ground coffee brand.
The top beer is Bud Light.
And the best milk? Ask any cow. She’ll tell you.
On the alcohol side of things, those drinky-drinks, here are how things go.
1. Bourbon
2. Old Fashioned
3. Bloody Mary
4. Pina Colada
5. Tequila Sunrise
So that is what we are drinking, mostly.
And we drink because we are fluid.
Water makes up approximately 70% of a human’s body weight.
But more is up top. Approximately 80% of our brain tissue is made of water.
Interestingly, that is just about the same percentage of water found in a living tree. I think that might mean something.
So drink up today. Be good to yourself.
Drink it all in.
“Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.”
― Wallace Stevens
“It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.”
― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence.”
― Kahlil Gibran Jr.
We drink. All of us drink. Some more than others.