What could be beneath all that screaming? The Munchies.

Have you ever seen a photo of Edvard Munch? If it isn’t ringing a bell, he is the artist of the very famous painting, “The Scream.”

There has to be a sidebar here. The guy has about the coolest name in all history of cool names. First and foremost, he spells Edward with a V. Edvard. That puts him out of the ballpark right there. But, then his last name. Munch. If there are pretzel gods in the Universe, I pray this guy liked to snack. What a perfect last name for someone who has an insatiable appetite for plain potato chips and roasted peanuts. I hope the phrase “I got the Munchies” originated with him. Edvard Munch.

Anyway, back to the question. Have you ever seen a photo of this guy? I’ve included one, so now you have, I suppose. He looks like some normal Joe who’d be walking down the street, sometime between the years 1863 and 1944. Which were the years he was on this planet. Today, his birthday. But he could be anybody’s brother.

One would think Mr. Munch’s appearance — or shall we call him Edv — the man behind the “The Scream,” would reflect the painting, somehow. But there is not one shred of evidence of this screaming on his face.

Which just goes to show you an ultimate truth about all of us, here on Earth.

There are things ALL of us have bellow the surface, that no one else can see, or possible know are there. We all carry a hidden sadness, a burden, a worry, or perhaps even, a “scream.”

So. Let us try to be gentle with one another.


No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else.
— Charles Dickens


None knows the weight of another’s burden.
— George Herbert


“The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.”
― Tagore, Amitendranath


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