What is one to think these days?

Some days are thinking days. It just goes that way. The little things come along, and there we are, in the midst of them. Considering. Wondering.

Like. Taking someone out, and taking someone out, are two very different things. Depending on the situation. Personally, at this point in my life, I wish for neither scenario.

And then there are spoons. They just seem to be little bowls that we repeatedly lift to our mouths. Picking up the big bowl and slurping can really expedite a situation.

I saw a meme the other day which asked a great question. I hadn’t thought about this one before, but, why are actors “in” movies and “on” TV? Just one time, I want to see an actor on a movie. Or better yet, one in my TV.

If a Yankee Candle factory were to burn down, I bet the smell of it would be amazing.

People haven’t really been playing Twister for years. And now with social distancing in effect, there is no Twister allowed. My guess is, the game will never make a comeback after this.

I didn’t mean to talk about the Covid-19 outbreak here, but since I mentioned it. I wonder if anyone has told the Amish?

Seagulls are missing tourists about now. I hope they are remembering how to fish for themselves.

To err is human. Erasers are slowly sacrificing themselves because of our mistakes.

And, now that I think of it, getting a paper cut is way less common than it used to be. Which has decreased the sale of band-aids.

These days, we are probably all watching a little more TV than usual. I think there should be a reality show where flat-earthers have to find the edge of the world.

A good bit of news.  I heard a doctor on the news talking about coping with the Coronavirus. She said that anxiety is normal. I pumped my fists in the air, and said, “Finally! I’m normal.”

No. This, finally.  For years, people have been saying WTF? Well, I think this pandemic is probably it.


“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
― Socrates


“I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know.”
― Mark Twain


“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein


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