Spit spot clean. Somebody get the mop.

Sometimes I struggle with a topic for this thing, especially when I’m feeling tired and foggy headed. So this might be my worst blog ever.  I started writing about a lot of things this time around. A history review for this date, including a 33 year old Barber’s Assistant’s Strike in Denmark / Samuel Colt and the beginning of mass produced guns in the United States / The NY Stock Exchange finding its very first home near Wall Street. None of it was too interesting. In fact, I was getting bored to tears writing about the whole cruddy mess.

So I switched over to writing about the current headlines. The boiling friction in Iran which may cause great harm to many / A palm reader who scammed someone for $71,000, by convincing them their daughter was possessed / The U.S. now facing the worst flu season in history / A Kentucky governor pardoning horrible criminals / And so much more. All of this adding up to another big cruddy mess.

Sometimes, it seems like the crud is everywhere. Sort of like the reverse of that King Midas. Where everything Midas touched turned to gold? Instead now, we have some sort of King Nasty Beast moving through the lands, touching things, and turning them to crud. I loathe crud.

Wouldn’t you know, that just made me think of my dear Dad. He was uncommon for a dad in the 1940’s through the 1980’s, when his kids were growing up. He worked all day as a design engineer at Frigidaire. An inventor of refrigerator parts, like neat-o salad drawers, and break-proof shelves, and such. But when he came home at night, he helped around the house. A lot. He’d run the vacuum, or wash dishes. Dad did laundry, and took out trash. Anything and everything.

But sometimes, at night, we’d all be in watching TV, and Dad would be out in the kitchen. I’d go out there to see what was up, and he’d be standing at the stove top, with just the hood light on. He’d have a box of toothpicks open, and would be cleaning the crud out of those little cracks, where the stove top met up with its fittings, and countertop. He’d get those cracks spit spot clean. (Hmmm. I would say I am my father’s daughter, in that way.)

Anyway, I thought of him when I was thinking about crud. That’s what we need in the world is a crud cleaner. It would be a much bigger job than stove tops. We’d need someone with a big-freaking-wand, that they could wave over all the land and its cruddy situations. Like Superman with a jumbo squeegee mop.

They’d be busy, given all that’s happening in the world these days. But I’d take just a few things. Like making the world environmentally-aware. Or solving hunger on our planet with all our current food resources. Getting equal rights for all humans. All of them. All of us.


That would be good.

A crud fighter.

With a cape.

I think I’m going to start wishing, daily, for a very good Crud Fighter. Maybe if we all started wishing for a Crud Fighter? Or. What about voting for them, instead?


“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, it’s that wishing doesn’t make it so.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magicians


“Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
― Mary Oliver


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