When the big in big is really smaller than the small.


A million seconds is just around 2 weeks.
A billion seconds is 32 years.

That gives you a little glimpse into the size of having a billion of something.

If the big Sun in the sky were to be scaled down to the size of a white blood cell somewhere in our bodies, the Milky Way (our galaxy) would be the size of the United States.

There are 100 billion galaxies in the Universe.

How’s that for sizing things up?

And seven billion of us on this tiny spinning ball.

In the scheme of things, this whole earth is about the size of a the point of a needle. And we are all standing on the point of that thing.

Oh. We are small. We are oh, so very, very small.
So just what is the point? Why do we think that we matter so much? Why would our lives be somehow significant?

I’m not exactly sure, but I have my guesses. I would say it has something to do with more than just our physical bodies. These are temporary things. What is infinite, what is permanent, is the energy inside of us. You see, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That thing inside of us, our spirit, or our soul as some call it, is as infinite as the Universe. Hence, the connection. It had a beginning somewhere along the line, I suppose. But what we did before, and what we are doing now, is all part of the package. It will continue to spin, and twirl, and roll, on. Again and again. That’s just what I think.

Everything has its place. All of it. Creatures, great and small. (What is great or small, when you are no bigger than the size of 1 / 1,000,000,000,000 of the size a blood cell?) And how we “play along with others” follows along with us too. Until we learn to share our toys, and eat all our veggies. If life were an analogy, the size of a pin prick.

Because even though these scales make us look very small — perspective is a tricky thing. Because, from where we are sitting, we are large. Enormous. That spirit inside of us is infinite, and far reaching. It touches every thing. Our actions ripple out, not only to the person standing in the room, but on and on. The energy passes on, from one source to another, in an unending way. It goes in all directions and has its effects. And that is why we matter, because we are all in this together. Everything, everyone, is connected.

So we must go, and do the good things that our spirits were meant to do.

Go is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

It takes about 142 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop. I tried this once. At the time, it seemed to matter.


More than 13,000 years of human life have been spent watching the Gangnam-Style video.


The average human will spend around 26 years asleep.


It takes around 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.


“You are the mathematical and geometrical centre of all the universe, where the centre is you, and radius goes into the infinity.”
― Count Stefan Colonna Walewski


“The Way is deep and broad and in all directions? Infinity.”
― Leland Lewis


Infinity. a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞) — Webster’s Dictionary


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