Where is that place? Right where we are standing.


This morning, I enjoyed the stillness, the slowness of time. My first cup of coffee was especially good, as I sat. Not doing. For the first little bit of my day, I make it this way. I think it is what I like about getting up so early in the morning. Everything is unmoving, silent.

I believe the energy of who we are, is connected to the energy of where we are. Here is the thing about that.

Ultimately, the “where” we are is in the Universe. As it all expands out, so does our location. I can’t remember the exact line from the play OUR TOWN, but one of the actors is retelling an address. They say it something like
123 Main St.
Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire
Planet Earth
Milky Way

Or something along those lines. And that is absolutely true, for all of us, except for the Grover’s Corners thing. Where ever we go, and what ever we do in our busy little lives, one thing is for sure. We are always in the Universe. And that is the thing to remember.

But so many times, we focus on the “right here.” We are in an intense meeting, hashing out the details of some proposal. Or, we are in line at the grocery store, the sixth person back, and the woman with the cashier pulls an envelope of coupons from her purse, as thick as War and Peace. The busy traffic as we go into the city for a doctors appointment where we will wait for 2 hours, only to see the actual doctor for 8 minutes. All of this wears on the edges of our being, fraying us, unraveling us, with every single grazing touch. There is nothing still or calm about any of this.

Unless of course, we can remember our actual location.
Walmart line
Eaton, Ohio
Planet Earth
Milky Way

And when we do this, when we can TRULY do this, our energy is touching that deep place of calm which is rooted in us, at the core of consciousness within our being. Our center of calm syncs right up with the quiet energy found in our place in the Universe. Directly connected.

So many notice getting to this place, when they take a walk in the woods, or a hike in the red rocks. Nature always remembers its home in the Universe. But it is not so easy to find, in a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam in LA, or the trading floor of Wall Street. But some people can. And do.

I, work on this. But truthfully, I get caught up in the day, and the buzz of the outside world, the news, the lists, the things to be done. The obligations, the responsibilities. The worries. The fears. We certainly can’t sit all day, with our legs crossed, hands on our knees, eyes closed in an attempt at inner calm.

But amidst it all, it is helpful to know it is there.
At any time, it is ours.
That walk in the woods. That swim in clear blue waters.
Touching our souls at the core. Any time.
If we can.
When we can.
It is there.


“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
― Pema Chödrön


“Gentleness is strength under control. It is the ability to stay calm, no matter what happens.”
― Elizabeth George


“The nature of the world is to be calm, and enhance and support life, and evil is an absence of the inclination of matter to be at peace.”
― Gregory Maguire, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West


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