Worth. We are worth it, and then some.

Here is the thing.

We are all worthy. All humans.

Sometimes, people don’t see it that way.

But first. Worthy.
The meaning.
— having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way
— deserving effort, attention, or respect
— good enough; suitable

Humans belong on the planet. All of us. We are all worthy of being here. And as such, we should be treated as equals. We should be treated with equity.

But often we are told that we are not good enough. This happens on many different levels.
We aren’t thin enough, handsome enough, strong enough. We aren’t good parents. We don’t do enough for our community. We aren’t smart enough to compete with others in our work. Our house isn’t nice enough. Our clothes. Our cars. And on and on.

On a deeper level, entire “cultures” of people deem others unworthy. One political party views the other as inferior. One race thinks people from other countries are lesser individuals, subordinates. It continues. It swells.

But the truth resides in this. Our worth of being here on this planet should not be judged by others. We are equals in our right to be here. We are supposed to be here now.

We must be willing to see ourselves and our rights. Not only physically and mentally but also spiritually and emotionally. We are meant to be here to fulfill a particular purpose. This is something that no other human can fulfill. Our reason for being.

We are here — each one of us — uniquely. There isn’t anyone who can replace us in this life. No one else has had the experiences we have had. They will never be able to think our thoughts, and give what we give, in our everyday lives. Each person here has a specific message to carry into this world.

We each have a purpose. It could be profoundly large. It might be small and humble. But no matter, it is ours. Small acts of kindness run right alongside those acts of great work or sacrifice. We need to accept who we are, and what it is, right in front of us, that we are meant to do.

We are all worthy.


Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.
— Wayne Dyer


All have their worth and each contributes to the worth of the others.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion


What we know matters but who we are matters more.
― Brené Brown


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