That good science of 2 and 5 equals something unseen.

Science is one of my favorite things. If we just start out, examining its definition, it is easy to understand why.

Science is the “intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

The study of the physical and natural world.
Through observing that world, and then experimenting.
Intellectually, and systematically.

It looks at what is happening, and it figures out why. In a big, smart way.

And where would we be without science? There would be no reading these words on your smartphone, or computer right now. Not even those nifty iPads.

It evolves. We’ve seen this through medicine, as the example we are probably most familiar with. Medical science is difficult. But, through observation and experimentation, we continue to improve what we know about medicine. We’ve come a long way in this.

Take the frontal lobotomy for instance. This used to be a popular method for treating brain ailments. Essentially, it involved the insertion of an ice-pick type tool right through the old eye socket. From there, it went into the prefrontal cortex of the brain. When the pick was in the right place, the protruding end was struck with a hammer. It makes me cringe to think of it. Of course, it didn’t work. It was barbaric. But somewhere along the line, scientists began observing this failure, and the “treatment” was rejected by modern medicine. An interesting point to note is that John F. Kennedy’s sister Rosemary underwent a lobotomy. Their father complained of her moodiness. Unfortunately, the procedure reduced her mind to that of an infant and she was never the same again.

There have been loads of other treatments throughout history that were just ridiculous, like blood-letting, and surgeries with no sterilization, and heroine in children’s cough syrups.

But science proves things, all the way to making them scientific laws. Without question. Documented facts.

Like the fact that sound travels four times faster through water than air.

Or that peanuts are members of the bean, or legume family. They aren’t really nuts.

The Eiffel Tower can be 15 centimeters taller during the summer.

And camels don’t store water in their humps.

This is all fine and good science, but there is another part that always plays out in my head. I call it mystery science, and it all goes hand-in-hand with my belief of the unseen.

Like, for instance. Of the prime numbers, 2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5. To infinity and beyond. In my mind, I think there must be some grand and miraculous reason for this. Like some secret code to something. What, I have no idea. But there it is.

Or, that 9 is the billionth digit of pi. I’m going to have to trust them on this too.

Or what about the fact that the only two planets in our solar system without moons are Mercury and Venus?

Then, there are certain things that make no sense at all. Like the dang platypus. It is kind of like the mascot, for all things awful. I mean, the furry duck-billed, web-footed, mammal. It doesn’t do much but lay eggs, which is weird for a mammal, and eat, sleep, and appear on the 20 cent coin in Australia. Oh, and the other platypus terrible-awful item? The male platypus has a venomous spur on its hind foot capable of dispensing a poison that can kill a medium-sized dog.

We could look up science facts all day, and be amazed. But the best part? We haven’t begun to understand the most of it. We’ve touched the tip of the iceberg, and at times, we think we’re putting on our smarty-pants. (Disclaimer: I think the world is teaming, teaming, teaming with brilliant, genius scientists. Magnificent, incredible minds, leading the way.). But there’s so very much we do not know.

We haven’t spotted tree faeries yet.
There’s no cure for cancer.
Or the common cold.
And we don’t know why 2 and 5 are the way they are.

Behold. And wonder.


From wonder into wonder existence opens.
— Lao Tzu


He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
— Albert Einstein


“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”
― R.J. Palacio, Wonder


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