The peaks and the pits of that good old TV

Oh, let’s talk about television. I like to watch. I know there are people out there who oppose TV, and all its evil ways. And I can understand their misgivings, for there is a lot on television which is bunk. On the other hand, I personally find great enjoyment in the parts that don’t feel like bunk to me.

It can be newsy, or educational, or simply entertaining. I wouldn’t classify any of it as mindless, for even the goofiest of programs can spark some sort of thought in the normal, healthy, human brain.

Sunday night was far from useless. I had the opportunity to watch The Kennedy Center Honors. As they describe themselves: “The Kennedy Center Honors celebrates icons who, through their artistry, have left an indelible stamp on our collective cultural consciousness.”

The 2019 recipients were wide in scope. I’ve always been a huge fan of Sally Field, who was among those honored. Growing up, I loved (and still do) the music of Earth, Wind, and Fire. There was the entire show of Sesame Street, and also recognized was musical conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, Finally, was Linda Ronstadt, whose music I’d always appreciated but I’d never been a big fan. Until last night. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease several years ago, and watching her reaction of gratitude and joy was more than heartwarming. It was stirring, moving. It touched something deep within me that reminded me of my own gratefulness.

I was more than glad I had the opportunity to watch this amazing televised event.

Now for a somewhat dark spot on the TV schedule. It falls on The Hallmark Channel of all places. Of course, most people don’t admit to watching the Hallmark Channel, or their wholesome, feel-good movies. But the channel is wildly popular, as people watch the heart-warming dramas, with those sparkly candles, falling snow, fires in the hearth. Those Hallmark moments that Hallmark does so well.

It has recently come out, that the Hallmark Channel is reversing its decision to pull advertisements featuring same-sex couples. They have apologized for ever removing them in the first place, according to one of their spokespersons.

Apparently, Hallmark took down the ads after some conservative group, called the One Million Moms, protested. These so called Moms created a targeted campaign which demanded that Hallmark to remove the ads. Not only that, they wanted them to pull off ALL content showing same-sex couples.

A couple of things here. Why are gay people still fighting for equal rights? Holy crap. We are in the 21st century, and we’ve been around since the beginning of time. If you read the lost books of the Bible, you will find that Adam had a gay brother named Stan. He’s the one who made the outfits for Adam and Eve, the fig leaf numbers, for crying out loud. The fact of the matter is, we are as normal as the day is long. If you want it in terms of God and creation? Fine, okay. We are homosexuals because God created us that way, and he thinks it is a great idea for us to share the planet with those often misguided, but sometimes likable heterosexuals.

I guess I should give a slight kudos to Hallmark for caving under the pressure of social media and certain sponsors. They put the material back on air.

And then there is the matter of these Million Moms. First, I want a head count. Second, I feel it is my duty to inform them that if there are truly a million of them, the math works out that 100,000 of them will have a gay child. Talk that over at your next potluck.

My dear Mother, and Father, had 3.5 kids who were gay. They were batting .500, being as fair as they could, all the time, as the statistics show.

So. As you can see. There is a lot going on in that thing we call a television. And just like the world around us, some of it is good, and some bad. Also like our world, in most cases, we hold the remote. And we have the ability to change the channel to enable better programming.

Keep the batteries fresh, my friends.


I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.
— Winston Churchill


The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.
— Leonardo da Vinci


The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may return to better thinking.
— Phaedrus


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