Popcorn never tasted so good with Buster Keaton, and Joe.

Three things stand out about February 2, as I look back on some history pages. This struck me in an oddly profound way. I’ll tell you why. In a little minute.

Feb. 2, 1925.
Sears-Roebuck opened its first store. They did this in the Merchandise building which was part of it’s headquarters, located in Chicago. They had a huge catalog business that they started in the 1890s. This store was the first retail outlet of its kind for them. As a kid, we didn’t get to go to Sears very often, but there was something about the downtown store that I loved. It felt mysterious to me. I could get popcorn there. In a little red, white and blue paper bag. It was delicious.

Feb. 2, 1933
Buster Keaton was fired from MGM Studios on this day. He was a slapstick comedy star. Silent films. My Dad loved to watch Buster Keaton movies, and as a result, so did I. Not until this morning did I know he was fired from MGM. The reason they gave was that he was drinking excessively. It might have been true.

But, a possible reason for Buster Keaton’s failure was that it may have been hard for him to adjust working under the direction of someone else. Before MGM, he was always in control of his own gags, and the crazy ways he performed them. Creative control issues. Once he got fired, he had more troubles for about he next ten years. His wife divorced him. He could only get bit parts. He even ended up in a psychiatric ward. But then, he made a decent comeback in the 1950s, though I don’t remember his work from that period.

Feb. 2, 1964
The G.I. Joe was launched by Hasbro. They had big success with the Barbie Doll, so they came up with another toy, aimed at boys, the G.I. Joe. An action figure. G.I. stood for “government issue.” Originally, there were four figures launched. They came up wit one for each branch of the Armed Forces.

My sister and I loved G.I. Joes. We had scores of their figures and accessories. We didn’t want Barbies, that was for sure. But our Joe’s never did battle. They were always spies. Skulking around the living room, kitchen, the bathroom, and such.

So, each day, I check several sources for potential content to write about. This thread I found was a new one. And it struck me as I sifted through all the events that occurred on February 2nd, through the multitude of decades and time. So many of these “incidents” in time, had a direct effect on my life. From all around the world. Different places, different times, different happenings. All of them, somehow touching my little life. And I was awestruck, once again, by the Universe, its magnitude, and its connectedness.

These three events may have absolutely no impact on you. But I bet there were ten other things on that February 2nd list, that bumped in to each one of you who are reading these words. It all connects up. Like a crazy bunch of dots on a page. We may not be able to see the bigger picture it is creating, because we are down here, with the rest of the dots. But it is all connecting.

Today, something in your life will impact the lives of others. In some way. Count on it.

I hope all of us can make those events good things.

Be a good dot in the part of the connection today. I know I’m sure going to try.


“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.”
― Herman Melville


Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.
— Saint Augustine


When we recognise the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection, love is born.
— Thich Nhat Hanh


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