When you leap and all you get is a cold day.

February 8th, it is. All day long. If you write it out in numbers, it becomes 2/8.

Two ate. When share your can of beans with a pal.

February is a funny month. It is our only month that has 28 days. Four weeks even. Except every fourth year, like this one, which they call a Leap. It has 29.

It is no wonder everyone is out of sorts, what with the extra day. Why would they tack it on in the gawd-awfulest month? Why not put the extra day in springy April, or colorful October? No, that Leap Year Committee gave us another gray, gruesome, cold day. That’s the way committee meetings go.

I’ll tell you, if I were ever Queen, things would be a LOT different around here.

For one, I’d straighten out the Leap Day Mess. But more importantly, I’d take care of some bigger issues.

I wouldn’t allow mass prejudice. It would be unheard of. I mention this, because on February 8, in 1942, the U.S. Congress advised the President on something. They told Franklin Delano Roosevelt that Americans of Japanese descent should be locked up — en masse — so they wouldn’t oppose the US war effort. That would be WWII. The war we were fighting against the axis powers, of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

I would put money, very good money, on the bet that Congress was made up of mostly white men in 1942. White Christian men. Giving advice to a white male president. I might even guess that some of those guys came from German and Italian descent. But they recommended locking up the Japanese. “Those people” were physically recognizable.

Yes, if I were Queen, these are the things that would not happen.

I’d take a huge interest in taking care of our planet, and safeguarding our greatest resource, our land. Our beautiful, beautiful land. Oh, and I’d do another 1,000 things if I were Queen.

But a lot of the time, when people get into power, they lose sight of their moral compass, somehow. Especially when they get the green light for unchallenged power, as with Adolph Hitler, and many others like him.

They hold their scepters as a tool “against” and not “for.”

Have you ever noticed how close the words “scepter” and “septic” sound?
Sometimes, I think it is for good reason.

Yes, today is a day we should remember, because it reminds us how badly Congress can fail. As we have seen recently. That group of people who traded their good moral compass for a few gold coins.

Jack was smarter. At least he got some magic beans.

And if nothing else, you can eat beans.

Beans, beans.
The magical fruit.
The more you eat,
the more you toot.

Did I mention it was 2/8?
Two ate.


“Compassion is the basis of morality.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer


“Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other.”
― Mark Twain


“How can one be well…when one suffers morally?”
― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace


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