Found it? Leave it.

Just so you know. White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each others’ noses. Supposedly, they do this to test their ‘friendships’ and build social connections. Leave it to the monkeys.

I’m telling you right now. If someone came up to me and stuck their finger in my nose? It would REALLY test our friendship. But. We are humans. We do our own strange things.

Like, getting into tin cans and floating around space. Stopping off, here and there. We’ve been to the moon a few times. Now, I’ve always learned when I go hiking out in the beautiful gift of nature that, I am supposed to leave everything as is. Or, if need be, leave it better than when I found it. That includes picking up trash and making sure I haven’t left anything behind.

But apparently, no one learned this lesson at NASA. The United States has “visited” the moon a few times, and it seems we find it necessary to leave things behind. Our flag, for one. Perhaps they think they’re marking our territory or something.

No matter. American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. Yep. Completely white. There won’t be any telling what country it is from. And we all know the white flag shows signs of surrender. That’s better, I think.

Well, the United States doesn’t always get things right. But one country that always seems to be on track is New Zealand. They kept their land COVID-free. They have elected some darn good presidents. They are all about the environment and planet awareness. And then there is this. New Zealand has more cats per person than any other country in the world. My cat-loving friends are sitting back, nodding their heads right now. They be like, “Yeah. We bad. We bad.”

New Zealand is about as far south of the equator as Ohio is far north. But get this. If we were standing on the equator, we would weigh less. Things weigh less at the equator than at the North or South poles. We experience less gravity at the equator. So, if you want to lose weight quickly, take a trip to Ecuador.

Speaking of losing weight, we should talk about bears. They lose a lot of weight when they hibernate. They store up food in their bodies before they go into a deep sleep. As such, that food nourishes them all winter long. But here’s something. While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. They don’t poop, either. It all gets converted to proteins. So, you won’t see a bear pooping in the woods in the winter. Unless he really, really has to go.

And speaking of going.
I should probably be on my way too.
Just a few fun facts to fill your day.

If we learned anything here, I hope we’ll remember this. We should always try to leave things better than we found them.


“Clever bears think of everything.”
— Randal Case


“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.”
– Terry Pratchett


Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey.
— Malcolm de Chazal


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