Beyond the disagreement, to the bad

There is a lot that is bothering me these days. I just posted an article on Facebook yesterday, which tells about a recent movement.

“an anti-government movement that advocates for a violent uprising targeting liberal political opponents and law enforcement. The movement, which says it wants a second Civil War organized around the term “boogaloo,” includes groups on mainstream internet platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit.” (NBC News)

Here is the thing. I disagree with some people’s ideas about government, religion, climate change, healthcare, human rights, and on, and on, and on. But even though I think differently than they do, I can still understand that they have their opinions and the right to have them.

Never, in a million years, would I think of harming an individual for expressing their thoughts, or beliefs, on any topic. I would never, ever, lift a hand to anyone. I wouldn’t even joke about it.

That’s why, when I see someone “post a meme” on social media that says something, in jest, about punching someone in the throat, I never “like” their post. I don’t support that type of ridicule. Even if they are “just kidding.” It’s kind of like “soft drugs” leading to “hard drugs.” It all starts somewhere.

And now we have this violence, this threat, in our faces.

Yesterday, I was watching the morning news on CBS. They did a segment about “teaching black history in schools” and saying that we have been teaching lies to our students all along. The report focused mostly on the depiction of slavery that is presented to our students. The reporter, the specialist, and a member of the anchor desk were black. All of those relaying the story were “appalled” by what they heard. But the three I just mentioned kept saying, “We need to teach our young black children their histories.”

I sat there watching, appalled myself. We not only need to teach black children, but we also need to teach ALL children the history. Everyone needs to be educated on the truth. Right now, in this time, the amount of prejudice toward others in this place is astounding. The prevalence of outright, and underlying, hatred. It is rampant in our small rural community. I’ve heard this talk at birthday parties, athletic games, grocery stores.

Not only are there racial, religious, sexual, prejudices, but there are also serious intolerances of people with other viewpoints. The “conservative” vs. the “liberal” and it is absolutely sickening to me. The Republicans spit out the word “Democrat” like it is some filthy word. And the other way around, too.

If I sound down, I am.

If we re-elect a president who uses hate and divisiveness as his biggest weapons, I fear the worst.

Today, all I can do is the next right thing in front of me. In every choice, and word, and thought today, I will do my best to be kind, honest, compassionate and good.

I ask you to join me in goodness and kindness.
And for those who believe in prayer, that might help too.


The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.
— Aesop


To repay evils with kindness is the religion I was taught to practice, and this will forever be my rule.
— John James Audubon


We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I’ve always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace.
— Dave Matthews


News Story Boogaloo


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