Share it! You beast!

All living things are here. Here on this planet. But many of us humans didn’t learn to share in kindergarten. I mean. I don’t know why people think this planet belongs to humans. As if by some magical decree.
We think we are the supreme beings on this planet. But are we?

If there is any intelligent order to this place, then I theorize we are supposed to be sharing this place. But. If this existence is simply random chaos, then it would make logical sense to share.

Either way. Among the living things is the animal kingdom. And, oh. What a kingdom it is. Here are some stupendous and startling observations of their world.

• Do you know the mammal with the thickest fur? One would think it would be some polar creature. But alas. It is the sea otter. Well, well. The sea otter. The only time I wore fur into the water, it was a complete mess. I made up my mind. That’s the last time I buy a mink bikini.

• Okay. A lion walks into a bar. Well. This is no joke. If you ever go into a lion bar and want to know the age of the lion you are having drinks with? Well, the age of a lion can be determined by its nose. Yes. When they are born, they have cute little pink noses. But over time, they start getting black dots. The more black dots, the older they are. And. By age eight, their noses are completely black. It makes the bouncer’s job easy at the door.

• Do you like lima beans? Most people have a strong opinion about them, either for or against them. The next time they are on the table, remember this. A newborn kangaroo is about the size of a lima bean. And they grow to over six feet tall and 150 pounds. That’s a pile of beans.

• A bit of sad news in the animal world. Some animal mothers die right after giving birth. They are the octopus, squid, salmon, and the common mayfly. Those are orphan babies right from the start because I’m guessing Daddy isn’t around anymore.

• Canines have great sniffers. Scientists project the dog’s sense of smell is somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than we humans. But get this. A wolf can smell its prey almost two miles away. Ready or not. Here I come.

• Bite this. The mammal with the most powerful bite is the hippopotamus. I haven’t been able to watch Fantasia since I learned this.

And, to wrap things up.
• Polly is a common name for a parrot. Pirate parrots were Polly all the time. “Polly want a cracker?” Anyway, do you know what they call a group of those parrots? Lots of Pollys, perhaps? No. They are, in fact, called a pandemonium. I can relate.

And speaking of pandemonium. Some days our planet can feel that way — like things are in a state of pandemonium. But this day, and every day, I always wish for sharing. For all of us creatures. I am forever wishing for peace. For all of us.


“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
― Mother Teresa


“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.”
― Jack London


“It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none. ”
― Snoop Dogg


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