We still don’t know what we’re looking for.

U2 sings, time and again, that they still haven’t found what they’re looking for.

Who can fault them? This is a dang big place we are in. And if you don’t really know what you are looking for in the first place, it becomes increasingly harder to find it. As we all know, our Universe is expanding. The infinite is growing larger.

I know. I scratch my head too. Frequently.

Yes, indeed. There’s a lot to see out there. Just the other day, I read an article saying that “white dwarf stars” will eventually cool to form “black dwarf stars.” But they also said that none exists yet, because the universe is not old enough.

I don’t get it. I mean. How do they know? What if when a white dwarf star cools down, it suddenly turns into a white gargantuan star? Like spontaneous combustion or something? Or maybe it turns into a red dwarf star?  How can we know? It hasn’t happened yet? 

Yes. This is a big place. With a lot to look for. Like stars on a map.
And so there are those times when we are driving around trying to find a particular address. We, humans, will often turn the radio down (or off) when we’re searching for our destination. Like, do we think the building is going to send out an audible signal for us? Or that the destination address will give us a shout-out? They say we do this to allow our brains to shift their focus to that specific critical task, finding the desired location. Don’t sing and drive, I suppose.

Yes, there is a lot we don’t know. And then, in some cases, once we find out, we say, “Holy Heckins.” Because we humans can be weird.

There’s this, for example. Did you know there is a thing called “reverse anorexia?” The condition causes men (primarily men) who have big muscular bodies to feel too small. Yes. They are all bulked up like the young Arnold Schwarzenegger or Lou Ferrigno, but in their minds, they think they look like little Macaulay Culkin or something.

We never really know what is going on in someone’s mind, now do we? We could be standing face to face with someone, having a conversation, and they could be totally distracted by some other thought. It might be anything. Are they thinking, “Do I have something on my nose right now?” Or they might be wondering something completely obscure, like, how come the giant panda has all the necessary equipment for a meat-based diet but insists on eating bamboo instead? And only bamboo. One stick after the next. It could be eating little chickens or bunnies. But instead, it crunches bamboo. As it turns out, somewhere along the way, the giant panda lost certain gene receptor codes. So now, they don’t remember that they used to like meat.

That won’t be me. I always like meat. My dogs like meat too. Any kind. But they’ve never had a paddywhack. We’ve all heard, “knick-knack, paddywhack, give the dog a bone. “ However, we probably didn’t realize that the paddywhack is the “nuchal ligament” of a sheep or a cow, that is often dried to make a dog treats.

Yeah. There’s that in the big world of ours.

But I’m sure we people are the strangest things in the entire Universe.

For instance, a Kenyan lawyer once sued the state of Israel for crucifying Jesus Christ.

And we’ve made more Lego mini-figures than there are people on Earth.

I just know this. U2 still doesn’t know what they’re looking for, and some days, neither do I.


“Why do you so earnestly seek
the truth in distant places?
Look for delusion and truth in the
bottom of your own heart.”
― Ryokan


“No one is ever satisfied where he is….Only the children know what they’re looking for….”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


“What we find changes who we become.”
― Peter Morville


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