The places you’ll go, he said.

If I had to pick a place to live, it would most likely be Hamsterdam.
Hamsterdam would be nice, what with all the Dutch hamsters. Those are the ones who are always paying their way, always going Dutch, on their own little wheels.

Although. There are places that I ruled out, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Yes, a shadow.

I’ve learned that Greenland isn’t green, so why would they name it such a thing?
Iceland has its share of ice, but their towns have crazy names.
Everyone’s in such a rush when they are in Russia.
And people seem to be running in Iran.
There’s a lot of folks getting all germy in Germ-any.
No bouncy balls in Cuba, where everything’s a cube.
Too much noise in Tunisia, where all the strings go, to get a tune.
So many fish living in Fin-land.
And cats down purring in Peru.
They pack a lot of suitcases over there in Pakistan.
And, unless you have some squeaky things, Greece would be everywhere.
No fooling us with Turkey, we know the gobble birds are there.
I’m sure I can, in Kenya. They always seem to ask. Kenya? Oh. Yes, I can.
And lots of big things get lifted, in Ukraine.
But is it cold in Chile? Or are there bowls of soup there?

Ooooohhhh…. put on your sing-song here:

The world is full of places.
I’ve really seen this much.
The far and wide, the high and low,
And some are out of touch.

I think I like it best of all.
The place right where I stay.
I call it home, and when I go,
I know I’ll be okay.

To get right back, I click my heels.
And just like that I’m home.
There’s many places out there,
In case you like to roam.

So there you have it. I had to take a trip with you to all these good places. Because. It is Dr. Seuss’s birthday, today. This March 2. One, Theodor Seuss Geisel. Born in 1904, and he left us in 1991. Thanks to him, I got my very first book. I haven’t been the same since.


Don’t give up! I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small.
— Dr. Seuss


Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
— Dr. Seuss


Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
— Dr. Seuss


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