Yep. It is Augustus. Right after Julius.

August is a pretty good month, I think.
It has 31 days in all. Same as July, the month we just passed. The 31 Club includes January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

Here is something. August is the busiest birth month. The slowest month is February.
Let’s work those out in conception times.

November is the conception month for August.
And May is the conception month for February.
What is the snuggle factor in November? Is it the cold weather setting in? Go figure.

Given that, here are some birth notes for this month.

August Birthstone: Peridot (It’s green, so you know.)
August Birth Flower: Gladiolus and Poppy
Astrology Zodiac Signs of August: Leo and Virgo
Leo – July 23rd – August 22nd
Virgo – August 23rd – September 22nd

I have a brother who was born in August. He just made it, too, coming into the world on the 31st. Way back in 1955. Happy early birthday, bro.

It seems right that August is named after Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. He is the grandnephew of Julius Caesar, by the way. And July was named for Julius.

It is the best month for having hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, according to me. That might be a good thing because August is National Sandwich Month. Let’s give a shout-out to the Earl of Sandwich, who invented the sandwich in 1762.

Speaking of those “National Calendar Days.” There are 174 “National Days” to celebrate in August. People. I think we are getting a little out of control with these celebration days. Some of the highlights in August include National Wiggle Your Toes Day on the 6th, National Rice Pudding Day on the 9th, and National Mail Order Catalog Day on the 18th. Or perhaps you are looking forward to celebrating National Matchmaker Day on the 31st. Oh, and don’t miss National Pecan Torte Day on the 22nd.
C’mon people. Really? Rice Pudding Day? I mean. I love a good rice pudding. But do we really need a National Day of celebration for the stuff?

Apparently so.

People love to do what they love to do. And there you have it.

No matter. August is around the bend. It is the last full month of summer too. So roll on the deodorant, and do those things you love to do. No matter what they might be.


Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.
— Greg Anderson


The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
— Albert Einstein


The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.
— Baruch Spinoza


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