Laws that make us do and don’t.

Certain things in life, are simply not permitted. Of course, this is dictated by Scientific Law, which describes the natural phenomenon around us. This, based on empirical evidence. Factual, real, observed.

Then there are man-made laws. Many of these are put in place to create order amongst the masses, to protect us, to make our lives work better. Supposedly. These laws, created by the government, by man, come in all shapes and sizes.

Take monkeys for instance. If I wanted a pet monkey, I would not be allowed to have one, here where I live in Ohio. Nope. I’d have to move about 18 miles west of here, into Indiana to get that little Organ Grinding Cutie. And you can’t own a monkey, by god, in New York, Alaska, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Utah, or Vermont either.

There must be a lot of monkeys in the 38 other states. I don’t want a monkey, but if I did, these would be my options. I can pick a dog in any state, my pal of choice.

The laws that protect us. Let’s talk about potato chips since I’m feeling a bit hungry. I don’t make them a regular habit, but darn it. I do so love a good potato chip, specifically Lay’s Classic. Just the plain ones for me. No fancy-schmancy flavors.
But. Remember back in the 1990s when the big thing was the “fat-free” chips made with Olestra? I balked at those. But Olestra was moving in everywhere on the snack rack. That, until people ate those fat-free chips and started running to the bathroom. I will leave it at that. The FDA took action, requiring “warning labels” on those products. Until 2003. These days, Olestra is fully legal in the U.S. But our friends up north in Canada banned it. So did all the countries in Europe. You can count on a potato chip with a foreign friend.

Sometimes, there are laws that permit. Say. If you have to go to the store for those chips, and you are driving? It is completely legal for you to drive nakers. Yep. Totally, buck-naked-driving practices are your prerogative. In every state. But there is a catch. You have to get in and out of your car, and that is where you could run into some trouble. If someone sees you and complains? Well, there it is. And believe me, if someone were to see me naked at my age, they would definitely complain.

And then some are completely absurd.  In South Dakota, it is illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory.  For goodness sakes.  How could you anyway?  I’d be busy in a cheese factory.   Never mind that. In Rhode Island, you are not allowed to race any horses on the highway.  I’m not sure about ponies.  Or pet monkeys.  Law can be very complicated sometimes.

But, as I mentioned, these are the laws imposed by man. Of course, we still have the laws of nature and science. And, sometimes, they mingle.

Take Newton’s Third Law of Motion: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

That’s exactly what happens when you eat Olestra.


“We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.”
― Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


“Any fool can make a rule
And any fool will mind it.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Journal #14


“It isn’t against the Law to be an idiot.”
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel


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