That Groundhog. Gone but not forgotten.

Well, it came and went, but not unnoticed.
Groundhog Day.
Our nation makes a big dang deal out of Groundhog Day. Just like Columbus Day and Daylight Saving Time, I would ban the whole thing if I were Queen. 

Oh, a quick sidebar here, about being queen. If I were queen, I’d have to change my name. Queen names have to be four syllables, three syllables, or one syllable. Never two.

Queen Katie.
Queen Judy.
And on. See what I mean?
Except for the likes of The Queen Mary. But who wants to be named after a big boat?

Anyway. Back to Groundhog Day. The nation’s rodent prophet laureate, Punxsutawney Phil, always delivers his weather forecast. And for the record, he’s been at it since 1887. Back then, they didn’t know how to predict the weather. Now, I have no idea what our inane excuse might be for listening to this groundhog in a top hat, for holy heckins sake.

Here is how he has stated his opinion.

Phil has predicted longer-lasting winters 107 times and early springs 20 times. For some reason, we don’t have any records for ten of those years since 1887. And then, one year later, Phil didn’t show up for the ceremony. He was probably in hot water with his wife. 

Anyway. All of that means he’s forecast longer winters in 84% of his known predictions.

And, for the past three years, he called for longer winters. 

Why am I telling you all of this in May? Because Spring comes along when it is good and ready. And then, most of the time, it decides it wants to be Summer, just like that.


“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!'”
– Robin Williams


“Winter is nature’s way of saying, ‘Up yours.'”
– Robert Frost


“Don’t be dismayed by the changing seasons. Each one, in its turn, has its own special beauty.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


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