Hey Pumpkin Face. Where’s your face?

“Oh, for crying out loud.” 
It seems like I say this once a day.
And today, I’m here to tell you about one reason that I did.

As I reflected on my use of this phrase, I realized that I say this when I think people are being ridiculous. Not people in my immediate circle. But faraway people, that I see on the news. And when I encounter them, out it comes. Right out of my mouth without thinking:
“Oh, for crying out loud.”

Recently, I said it more than once. I learned about a woman who is suing The Hershey Company. First of all. Hershey equals chocolate. And for most people, chocolate is just a couple steps away from heaven itself. So, suing Hershey would be a bit like suing Santa Claus. Or perhaps like suing Joseph, Jesus’ stepdad. 

Any way. The woman claims that The Hershey Company “tricked” her, and now she needs recompense.

Here’s what happened.
This woman is from Florida. Which tells you a lot right there. 
Anyway, she is claiming that Hershey has “tricked” customers through “misleading” packaging on Reese’s seasonal-shaped chocolates.

I think this is when I said, “Oh, for crying out loud.”

This woman, Cynthia Kelly, of Tampa, is suing the chocolate giant for $5 million because she says the packaging and the actual contents don’t match.

For example, the pumpkin-shaped chocolate does not have eyes and nose cutouts like the packaging suggests, and the football shape looks more like an egg. All of this is according to the court documents. She included examples of “misleading” products, including a ghost with no eye holes. For crying out loud. A ghost. With. NO. Eyeholes. How can life go on as we know it? Sue the S.O.B., why don’t you?

You know? This is about as ridiculous as it gets, in my opinion. This woman is wonkers. She’s out to make a quick buck. And as a result, Hershey is probably having to spend gabillions of dollars on lawyers to defend themselves. God forbid that she wins. Then, they will have to spend gabillions more on rebranding their seasonal candies.

And do you know who is paying of all of this? Well, if you enjoy those Reese Cups in the candy aisle, or Kit Kats, Twizzlers, Heath Bars, Paydays, Rolos, or a hundred other candy bits of goodness, then you, my friend will be paying for it. That’s right. Those prices will sneak right on up, all thanks to Ms. Cynthia Kelly, of Tampa, Florida.

Woe is her.

I say we all get together and file a class-action lawsuit against Ms. Cynthia Kelly for damages. 

That ought to put a smile on her pumpkin face.

…. But of course, then, we’d be no better than her. Universally speaking.

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”
– Marcus Aurelius
“Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow mind.”
– Juvenal
“The only people you should get even with are those who have helped you.”
– Satchel Paige

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