Things, no more. Or are they?

It seems like these days when I see an article online that talks about “aging,” I am immediately drawn to it.  Most of the time, curiosity gets me. The headline will say something like, “The best foods for seniors to eat.”  Or maybe, “These three simple exercises will keep you fit well into old age.”  You know the drill.

Well. The other day, I happened upon one. The title read like this:
“17 Things We Like Less and Less as We Get Older”

Okay. I bit.

Here are the 17 things, according to them (A site called “Beyond the Horizon”).

1. Pulling All-nighters
2. Excessive Noise
3. Social Media
4. Relationship Drama
5. The Latest Fashion Trends
6. Unhealthy Eating Habits
7. Tight Clothes
8. Seeking Validation from Others
9. Risky Behaviors and Extreme Sports
10. Queueing (Standing in line)
11. Alcohol
12. Heights
13. Rushing and “Busyness”
14. Driving
15. Spicy Foods
16. Crowds
17. People

And. Here is my take on these 17 things.

1. Pulling All-nighters — I never liked this.  No matter what kind of all-nighter it was.
2. Excessive Noise — Never liked this either.  I like the quiet.
3. Social Media — I’m still okay with this.
4. Relationship Drama — Never. Not now. Not then.
5. The Latest Fashion Trends — Can you say “hoodie and baggy jeans” all of my adult life? I’m kind of like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg in this way. I wear the same type of clothing every day.
6. Unhealthy Eating Habits — It depends on the situation. But I mostly eat vegetables and fruit.
7. Tight Clothes — See #5
8. Seeking Validation from Others — I’ll save most of this for my shrink.  Oh. Wait. I don’t have a shrink.  But it seems that all my life, I’ve hoped for / wanted validation.  These days, it is probably less important than before.
9. Risky Behaviors and Extreme Sports — Never. Nope. Nadda.  I used to wear a seat belt before we had to.
10. Queueing (Standing in line) — Again. Never.  Does anyone like to stand in line?  Anywhere? At any age?
11. Alcohol — Not a drop in 19 years. 
12. Heights — They don’t bother me unless I have to climb a ladder with a gazillion rungs.  Which I don’t.
13. Rushing and “Busyness” — I don’t like to rush, but I never have.
14. Driving — I like to drive.
15. Spicy Foods — I like them too.
16. Crowds — I’m the biggest introvert in the world.  So no. I don’t like crowds. I never have.  I define a crowd as more than two people, by the way.
17. People — I love people. I adore them and think people are wonders in this life. Just don’t make me talk to them or go with them to places where there are other people.

So that’s me. 
Let’s hear from you.  Old or young, it makes no difference. How do you feel about any or all of these 17?


“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


“A good life is a collection of happy moments.”
– Denis Waitley


“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”
– Helen Keller


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