What’s on the plane. Oh, I wish it had been snakes.

I don’t mind flying despite the fact that it can be quite a hassle.  However, I haven’t been on a plane in a few years.  Home seems to be where my heart is these days.

Anyway, flying can have its ups and downs. No pun intended.
You just have to be willing to go with the flow and hope that the airlines stick to the agreed-upon schedule. 

With that said, sometimes things go off the rails.
And this next story would be a deal-breaker for me.

It happened at the beginning of this year.  It was all over the news at the time. 
The situation was this: Delta Air Lines Flight 133 departed Amsterdam, Netherlands.  The plane and all its people were bound for Detroit, Michigan. But one hour into the flight, the Airbus A330-300 had to turn back around to Amsterdam.  The reason?  A bunch of freaking maggots fell onto a passenger from an overhead bin.

Now. Had that been me?  And maggots started dropping on my head? 
Oh, my holy heck. I can’t even imagine.

The news station reporting the story interviewed passenger Philip Schotte, a Netherlands native now living in Iowa.  And this guy told the reporter he saw about a dozen of those maggots dropping onto the woman sitting next to him.    

And then he said:  “She was freaking out. She was just trying to kind of fight off these maggots.” Schotte told the station a lot more, but I just wanted to point out the woman’s reaction.    


The flight crew eventually traced the maggots to a passenger’s bag, which contained rotten fish wrapped in newspaper. The maggot bag was moved to the back of the plane, and it was announced the plane was going back to Amsterdam.    

Okay. This is horrible in every way.
But I have to ask. Who brings rotten fish in their carry-on?
It had to be pretty dang rotten for maggots to gather and pitch in.
What is wrong with people?

The upside of the story?  The plane had to return to Amsterdam.  And that happens to be one of my favorite cities in the world.  The downside? Those maggots are now living in Amsterdam, one of my favorite cities in the world.

This was worse than snakes on a plane.

Oh, to fly the friendly skies. 


“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta


“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien


“A maggot is the meat’s form of saying ‘goodbye.'” – Han Kang


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