The Famous By Linda Stowe

The Famous By Linda Stowe
Sometimes I wonder what (fill in the name of a famous person) is doing at that moment. For instance, this morning while I was waiting for my coffee to brew, I wondered what is Donald Trump doing right now? Is he standing at the window of his Mar-a-Lago bedroom waiting for his morning Diet Coke to be delivered. While he waits is he surveying his realm and gazing at his employees scurrying about below getting the place ready for another day? Does he share his gold-plated bedroom with his secret service detail, or do they sleep down the hall in more plain quarters? Is he wondering what someone like me is doing right now?

And then I wonder, am I the only one who thinks these things?


Polly here. 

It seems that I do the same thing every so often. Not necessarily with Donald Trump in mind. Well. Not ever Donald Trump. Because when I do it, I am usually thinking of some famous person that I like or admire. I wonder where and what they are doing in that same moment. I wonder what their lives are like.

Usually, they have come across my consciousness in some way. They might be someone I saw in an interview or show the day before.

So my question is: Do you ever think about someone famous and what they might be doing right now? What is Carol Burnett doing right at this moment? Is she eating breakfast or reading a newspaper perhaps?  Or. Have you ever thought of people in history this way? Like, I wonder if Abraham Lincoln ever ate Eggs Benedict?

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