Sharing By Linda Stowe

Sharing By Linda Stowe
A basic social skill I have never been good at is sharing. I’m one of those people who has firm social boundaries, and the act of sharing always seems to muddy those waters. Of course, there are some situations where we do have to share, like in a plane or any place with public seating. And of course, we share the attention of our friends and loved ones. I’m okay with that. But when it comes to things, I want my own.

One time I shared an office with two other secretaries while our offices underwent renovation. Most of our files and supplies were packed and stored in another space, so we were operating with the bare essentials. I was the only one who had thought to bring a stapler, so I was expected to share. It irked me that each time I needed to use the stapler, I had to track it down and it was often out of staples or had a staple jam. I thought about buying the others their own stapler, but I couldn’t afford it. So, I suffered in silence.

We soon moved into our new offices and the years passed. I still have that stapler. I took it with me when I retired, and it still works as well as the first day I got it when I was hired in 1972. This is a picture of my metal Bostich stapler that I don’t have to share with anyone.

Polly here.
Well. I love this. I was thinking about this the other day in a different way. I have lived with someone my entire life. Never once have I lived alone. That may have a lot to do with my need for solitude.
But sharing is all a part of living with someone. And so we gladly do.

All that aside. There are some situations, especially work situations, where sharing isn’t easy. I think it is because I take very good care of “my stuff.” And sometimes, other people will use “my stuff” and don’t use the same consideration that I do. That bothers me.

So. Share and share alike.
Or don’t.
I think sharing has its place. Just like everything else.
Feel free to share this. 

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