It rhymes with Epoxy. Or maybe it rhymes with Dump Sun.

I think the word “moxie” should be reserved for those very special people in life.

It should be the “Medal of Honor” among the Word World.

I’ve known a couple of people in my life who were so full of moxie that it spun off of them wherever they went.  They were both women. Actually, they were two of my aunts.

As defined by Webster, even the pronunciation has moxie.

noun | MAHK-see

See what I mean?

And then on to the definition:
Moxie can refer to courage and determination (aka nerve), energy and pep (aka verve), or know-how (as, say, reflected in one’s oeuvre).

Or the more formal definition:
Force of character, determination, or nerve

Sure, there are lots of people with a zest for life. Or great attitudes.  Or lots of knowledge.  And then there are those with incredible determination in all they do. But when you wrap all those things up in one package, it is completely spectacular to watch.  And most of the time, they don’t even know that they are doing anything special other than being themselves.

What a great thing.

Another great word is “gumption.”  But it is more like the “Silver Star” of words.

Gumption: shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness.

I know some people with gumption, too.

On the other end of the scale?
Milquetoast.  A timid or feeble person

I tend to drift toward the lower end of the scale.
Maybe not in my thoughts or emotional reactions.

But in my action responses.  Especially the older I get.

Which leads me to this.
To each his/her own.  We are all our own selves.
We have distinct personalities, emotions, and abilities.
It is okay for us to be exactly who we are, so long as we are not injuring ourselves, others, or the world around us.

And “how” we are has its place in this life. We are each contributing to this Universe in our own manner.
If our hearts are good and our intentions noble, then we are probably making a positive impact on the world around us.  We should not focus on our weaknesses but instead, look to our talents.  And no matter how small an action might be, we should let that goodness shine.

And that is moxie enough.


“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou


“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi


“We rise by lifting others.” – Robert Ingersoll


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