Getting in on the attack. But it shouldn’t be.

I swear. Some words surprise me. 
I write about this often, I know. But it seems that the people who make up words and their definitions just get it wrong sometimes.  Some words are off.

Take this one, for example.


Assail is a verb.  It is pronounced like this: ə-ˈsāl

According to the great minds at Webster, it means this:

1   to attack violently : assault

2  to encounter, undertake, or confront energetically                                          

3   to oppose, challenge, or criticize harshly and forcefully                                          
4   to trouble or afflict in a manner that threatens to overwhelm                                          

That doesn’t sound right to me.  This should be a word like bludgeon.  Beat.  Pummel. Obliterate. Annihilate.

But not assail.

When I assail, I am in a boat, riding along on the seven a-seas. 
Or spreading my arms high up above and flying through the wild blue yonder.

I’m writing a letter to the people at Webster right now. I’m going to assail them.


“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” — Henry Ford


“Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.” — William George Jordan


“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” — Oscar Wilde


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